Saturday, June 02, 2012

AOL’s Huffington Post: We Don’t Know Nothing’ ‘Bout No Baseball!

By Nicholas Stix

In today’s MSM, whether it’s the single-A ball level of the AOL’s Huffington Post, or Big League play at the New York Times, knowing nothing about baseball is a resume builder. Already 10 years ago, I exposed pc New York Times Magazine editor Adam Moss, his editorial staff, and freelancer David Grann as baseball illiterates.

Now, look at the HP subhed below.

Mets Pitcher Throws Historic No-Hitter

With 134 throws Friday night, Johan Santana did what no other pitcher in the New York Mets’ 51-year history was able to do


  1. I'm not certain what's wrong with the sub-heading. I don't know enough about baseball to know what is wrong with it.
