Monday, April 02, 2012

Knoxville News-Sentinel Commissar Jack McElroy Compares Knoxville Horror to Trayvon Martin

By David in TN

Our old friend, Knoxville News-Sentinel editor Jack McElroy, has written a piece comparing the Christian-Newsom murders to the Trayvon Martin Affair. In recent days, the KNS archive on the case has received a lot of traffic.

Here are some excerpts:
It is absurd to suggest that Jackson and Sharpton ever would have interjected themselves into the Christian-Newsom case. Their interest is in protecting African Americans from racism.

White supremacists did come to Knoxville to try to hype the racial angle of that tragedy, but they were largely ignored.

How about the Chipman Street horrors? Were they triggered by race?

No evidence has ever been presented to support that. To my mind, the dimensions of evil in that case were much broader and ultimately incomprehensible.

Though the ironic truth is, in Knoxville blacks and whites together will be standing behind the Christian and Newsom families, loathing the atrocities done to these two young people, and praying for stern justice to be served.

So it was “broader and ultimately incomprehensible?”

NS: Some editors are brilliant intellectuals in their own right, who became editors either to pay the rent, or because if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself, and some … ain’t. Jack McElroy is one of the ain’ts.

Previously, on Traitor Jack:

“The Knoxville Horror: A Correspondence.”

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