Thursday, March 01, 2012

Now, They’re Burning Our Children Alive: In Kansas City, Two Black 16-Year-Olds Douse 12-Year-Old White Boy with Gasoline, and Set Him on Fire


"He said he made it to his home on Quincy Avenue when one suspect physically barred him from entering. The second suspect grabbed a red gallon gasoline can and said, 'This is what you get.'"

I'm sure they said more than that.

Police: Teens set 13-year-old student on fire
By DeAnn Smith, Digital Content Manager
By Amy Anderson, Anchor/Reporter
February 29, 2012 4:47 p.m. EST
Updated on February 29, 2012 7:16 p.m. EST

A 13-year-old East High School student suffered first-degree burns after two teens dumped gasoline on him and set him on fire.

The boy was rushed to Children's Mercy Hospital after the flames ignited. His face and hair were burned, according to police.

The boy was walking home from East High when he was accosted by two other boys about 3 p.m. Tuesday.

He said he made it to his home on Quincy Avenue when one suspect physically barred him from entering. The second suspect grabbed a red gallon gasoline can and said, "This is what you get."

The second teen then used a light to ignite the gasoline, which "produced a large fireball burning the face and hair" of the victim, according to a Kansas City Police Department report.

The boy's 36-year-old father said he wants to prosecute the suspects.

The boy is white. The two suspects are black. Police are reportedly investigating whether this was a hate crime.

Kansas City Police Department Detective Stacey Taylor said detectives were concerned about damage to the boy's eyes and lungs. He said this was a particularly heinous crime.

"It was pretty bad stuff," he said.

Police are asking for the public's help in locating the two suspects who are described as being around 16 years old. One was wearing a blue beanie, blue jacket and blue-green Nike Air Jordans with #23. The second suspect was wearing a black hoodie and black sunglasses with silver on the side.

If you have any information, call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.

East High is at 1924 Van Brunt Blvd.



  1. "Teens" sure are dangerous these days.

    David In TN

  2. I pray that the white victim recovers physically and psychologically. It doesn't sound like it's going to be easy for him.

    The two black teenagers sound like fiends from the pit. What kind of parents raise evil kids like this?

    This seems to be a forlorn hope in America today, but I pray that justice is served, somehow, on those two cowardly scumbags.

    Nicholas, please keep us posted.

  3. What would provide justice would be to drag them out of the safe confines of jail and...

    Can't say that, I guess.

  4. I hope they catch them and roast them. Sound cruel, yes perhaps, but I for one am sick of these little hoodlums getting away with whatever because people are afraid. Grow and pair and turn these two in, rid your society of predators.

  5. Why is it you can be a 'groid & 30 years old, yet the media will still call you a "yoof"?

  6. I had to read about this as a side note in poster's comment about another story? I suppose it may not be national news, but I am sure if the 2 black culprits are caught and charged that it will become national news about how innocent they were.
    The news media are corrupt and adulterated.

  7. Does the National Assocaition for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) endorse this type of behavior. I have not heard them publicly condem any bad behavior of today's African Americans.

  8. The quote is incorrect. One of the suspects screamed "You get what you deserve, White Boy!, as they lit him on fire. The suspects were described as "two black male 17 year olds, with facial hair". you have to go to the British press to find factual reporting on such matters.
    Obama has not yet commented if the boys resemble the son he never had.
