Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hate Crime/Noose Hoax in Detroit: The Freep Prints Misleading Headline and Lede, and Buries Most Important Fact in the 26th Paragraph,

in Order to Hide That Racist Perp is a Gay, Black Activist, and Lefty Academic; Who’d a Thunk It?

Susan and Carl Smith married in 2007. In 2008, they got terrifying hate mail./KATHLEEN GALLIGAN/Detroit Free Press

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“O Canada!—Modern Show Trials.”]

Hate crime frightens former Detroit couple, even after tormentor's conviction.

That was the headline. Now, here’s the lede:
Inside the mailbox outside their Detroit home, a noose was tucked in an envelope.

The above headline and lede in the March 12 Detroit Free Press were intended to mislead passing readers into assuming that the story was about yet another one of those white-on-black hate crimes (mostly hate hoaxes) the MSM are always promoting. Had Freep staffer Tresa Baldas or her editors wanted to give readers an accurate idea of what to expect, the headline would have been something like,
Hate crime contradicts media stereotypes

The lede would have been something like,
After so many hoaxes, the noose tucked in an envelope inside the mailbox outside Susan and Carl Smith’s Detroit home caused the Smiths and authorities to assume that the perpetrator was white. But they were mistaken.

Had since-convicted perp Glenn Morgan Jr. been white, instead of black, he would have been sentenced to a few years in prison, rather than the lousy three months he got. But had Morgan only targeted whites, he would not have received any jail time. I can’t remember the last time a black was prosecuted for a hate crime for racially terrorizing whites. Even when blacks spew racial epithets while assaulting or murdering whites, as happened in the Harlem murder of John Broderick Hehman in 2006, or during the racist attack on Brian Goldman and the cabbie driving him in Philadelphia’s Center City on January 28, the authorities virtually always deny that the crime was racially motivated.

That the perp in this case has a doctorate, is a respected “educator,” and has published hundreds of newspaper articles in a racist black newspaper, does not surprise me in the least. I spent more years than I care to count in academia, surrounded by genocidal black supremacists.

And get a load of FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Downey and U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade. Are they human beings or robots?
FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Downey oversees hate crime investigations in metro Detroit and said they are "cases that we can't accept or tolerate."

"When we see them, we're going to investigate them aggressively because one is one too many," Downey said. "We're supposed to be free and be able to express ourselves. When somebody can't do that, that's troubling."

For U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, hate crimes are especially troublesome because of who they target.

"Hate crimes are more egregious than regular crimes because they are intended to intimidate an entire class of people, not just an individual victim," McQuade said.
She noted that federal hate crime laws have stiffer penalties than basic assault statutes. There's a reason for that, she said:

"To send a message that our multicultural society will not tolerate violence that targets victims because of their race, ethnicity, religion or other factors."

First of all, they aggressively investigated this case because they assumed that the doer was white, based on the noose hoax.

Second, it goes completely against our legal tradition to have enhanced punishment for a crime, “in order to send a message.” That constitutes a politicization of the criminal law. We have enhanced punishment, based on the severity of the harm to a person, i.e., murder harms a person more than assault does. In both intent and in practice, it is hate crime laws which “are intended to intimidate an entire class of people, not just an individual victim.” And that class would be white heterosexuals.

Third, Downey and McQuade are liars: They ignore hate crimes committed by blacks against whites every single day of their professional lives.

As for the Detroit Free Press, Tresa Baldas and her editors buried the fact that Glenn Morgan Jr. is black in the 26th paragraph. That was no accident. They know that many readers will look at no further than the headline, and of those who begin the story, with its lede about “a noose was tucked in an envelope,” the majority will not finish it. Thus, the vast majority of Freep readers will come away thinking that the criminal of the piece was white. It also no accident that they completely hid the fact that Morgan is a homosexual (see last item).

Tim Groseclose argues that the Freep is the most leftwing newspaper in America, and is much worse than the New York Times. He may be on to something.

Far from being opposed to “hate criminals,” FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Downey and U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade are on the same side with them. Perpetrator Glenn Morgan Jr.’s bachelor’s degree in communications, his master’s in teaching, and his doctorate in political science were not certificates of cognitive attainment, but of political loyalty—loyalty to racial, ethnic, and sexual hatred.

As for the notion that anyone should have the right to fall in love with anyone he wants, and who’ll have him, that’s a romantic idea that I was raised on, but unfortunately, it’s something that about 90 percent of blacks, including black men who consort with white women, are murderously opposed to.

[Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for this story.]

P.S. When Tresa Baldas writes, “Hate crime laws don't punish speech or thoughts, which are protected by the First Amendment,” she’s lying. I have written extensively on the authorities’ persecution, and even imprisonment of white Americans, based solely on the latter’s engagement in symbolic expression protected by the First Amendment.

* * *

Hate crime frightens former Detroit couple, even after tormentor's conviction
March 12, 2012 |
By Tresa Baldas
Detroit Free Press

Inside the mailbox outside their Detroit home, a noose was tucked in an envelope.

Along with the 4-inch twisted rope were photos of black men being lynched, a photo of the slain body of Nicole Brown Simpson and a message saying that's what happens to white women who love black men.

The recipients were Carl Smith, 48, who is African American, and his wife, Susan Smith, 50, who is white.

The FBI got a lucky break. The sender's DNA was found on the noose. He was eventually caught and prosecuted and was sentenced last month.

But the Smiths remain gripped by fear as a result of the November 2008 incident.

They moved from their home on Patton Street and now live in Southfield. They have security cameras throughout their house and two dogs for protection. And every day when Carl Smith leaves work at his tree service company, he stays on the phone with his wife until he gets home.

"For four years, we went though hell, and we're still going through hell now," Carl Smith told the Free Press in a recent interview.

The government says hate crimes remain a pervasive problem in the U.S., targeting thousands of Americans every year.

Statistics show, however, that hate crimes have been steadily declining over the last decade. In 2010, more than 6,620 hate crimes were reported to the FBI, down a third from the roughly 9,700 reported in 2001. The trend is the same in Michigan, which saw 304 hate crimes in 2010, compared with 442 in 2001, a 25% drop.

Feds get tough

For victims like the Smiths, especially, even one hate crime is one too many.

"People should know that this kind of hate is still out there, and it's not acceptable," Susan Smith said.

FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Downey oversees hate crime investigations in metro Detroit and said they are "cases that we can't accept or tolerate."

"When we see them, we're going to investigate them aggressively because one is one too many," Downey said. "We're supposed to be free and be able to express ourselves. When somebody can't do that, that's troubling."

For U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, hate crimes are especially troublesome because of who they target.

"Hate crimes are more egregious than regular crimes because they are intended to intimidate an entire class of people, not just an individual victim," McQuade said.

She noted that federal hate crime laws have stiffer penalties than basic assault statutes. There's a reason for that, she said:

"To send a message that our multicultural society will not tolerate violence that targets victims because of their race, ethnicity, religion or other factors."

Hate crime statutes are on the books in 45 states and Washington, D.C. Federal hate crime laws can carry sentences ranging from a year to life in prison -- even the death penalty can be imposed in hate crimes involving murder.

Hate crime laws don't punish speech or thoughts, which are protected by the First Amendment. But when an individual commits a crime based on biased beliefs and intentionally targets another for violence or vandalism, the person can be charged with violating a hate crime law and will face a stiffer sentence.

The original 1969 federal hate crime law covered race, religion, ethnicity and national origin. It now includes sexual orientation and disability.

'Who would hate us?'

For the Smiths, the punishment wasn't stiff enough.

Glenn Morgan Jr., 41, of Detroit was sentenced in February to three months in prison for mailing the threats to them. Morgan, who faced 12-18 months in prison under a plea deal, also was ordered to perform 200 hours community service and pay a $1,000 fine.

"I think he got off easy," said Carl Smith, who attended Morgan's sentencing.

The Smiths said they eventually learned how Morgan tracked them down: He saw an article about them in the Free Press that described the couple giving out Barack Obama signs during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Carl and Susan Smith, who met at a deli while Susan was making corned beef sandwiches, got married in January 2007. But instead of going on a honeymoon, they decided to get politically involved and spent their money making and donating campaign signs for Obama.

The Smiths said they were stunned by what they learned about Morgan. It turned out he is African American, has a doctorate degree and often wrote freelance articles for newspapers such as the [n.s.: RACIST] Michigan Citizen about issues facing African Americans.

Morgan's lawyer did not return calls for comment. Efforts to reach Morgan were unsuccessful.

The Smiths are trying to get on with their lives.

Susan Smith said she long wondered, "Who would hate us this much and why?"

Now that the case is over, she feels sadness and pity.

"I feel sorry for this individual -- that he has this much hate inside him," Smith said.

And Smith said she and her husband are still in love -- no hate crime can kill that.

* * *

[From WEJB/NSU’s Detroit files:

“Detroit’s Gangster Mayor Reportedly to Accept Plea Today: Kilpatrick Era Over … for Now”;

“White Detroit News Columnist (Almost) Tells the Truth about Former Motor City’s Decline!”

“Justice, Detroit-Style: Is Black Judge Vanessa Bradley a Racist? Do Cows Fart?”;

“Detroit: No-Name Clearances of No-Name Murders”;

“Detroit’s Convicted “Hip-Hop Mayor,” Kwame Kilpatrick, is Livin’ Large While Pleading Poverty”;

“(Kwame) Kilpatrick Enterprise” in Detroit: Most Corrupt Municipal Administration Anyone Had Ever Seen”;

“Carlita Kilpatrick, Wife of Convicted Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Fights Paying One Dime of the $1 Million Restitution He Agreed to, as Part of His Plea-Bargain”;

“Feds Declare War on Detroit’s Gangster Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, Charge Him with Everything but the Murder of Tamara Greene”;

“Detroit: New Crime Stats Fail Smell Test; How Could Crime Go Down 7% Overall Last Quarter, While Homicides Went Up 31%?”;

“Are White Gangs Making It Impossible to Drive City Buses in Detroit? Inquiring Minds Want to Know”;

“Detroit: Buses are So Dangerous and Unreliable That Disabled Mom of 6 Traded Her House for a Minivan”;

“Detroit: Three Men in Their 20s Allegedly Kidnapped and Gang-Raped Girl, 13, for at Least Three Days”;

“Mysterious, Anonymous Detroit News Story About Arrest of Triple Shooting Suspect, Nasir Banks”;

“Happy New Year, Detroit-Style: Club Manager was Killed, Trying to Break Up a Fight; FREEP Writer Knows Facts, but Refuses to Report Them”;

“Detroit: Serial Killer is Murdering Prostitutes Who Advertised Online in Pairs, and Stuffing Them in Car Trunks”;

“Blackberry: Detroit’s Murder Bar—Demesha Hunt, Renisha Landers, and Now, Claudia Benson Last Seen Alive There”;

“Detroit: Family of Murder Defendant Jacob Wells, Threatens to Murder Family of Murder Victim, Claudia Benson—on Camera!”;

“Detroit: Murder Up 12%, but ‘Serious’ Crime is Down; Broken Windows Policing is on the Way”;

The Onion: Detroit Has One of America’s Top 10 Downtowns”;

“In Detroit, to Find the Biggest Crooks, Look to the Highest Offices: Judge Carlos Powell Charged with Being City’s Drug Kingpin”;

“Detroit’s Ex-(and Future?) Felon Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, is Living Large in Texas, with No Visible Income (but with a Secret Loan), Has Committed Tax Evasion, is Not Paying Back His Court-Ordered Restitution, and is being Represented on the (White) Taxpayer’s Dime (and Trying to Forget Tamara Greene!)”;

“Detroit: Washington’s Birthday AK-47 Gang Shooting Claims Life of 9-Month-Old Delric Miller IV; Neighbors are Experts at Identifying Weapons by Sound of Gunfire; Chief Godbee: ‘Street Code’=No Help in Solving Crime; Grandmother: ‘They raisin’ monsters out here!’”;

“Detroit: Female Fists of Fury at MotorCity Casino Hotel (Video!)”;

“Detroit: Was Delric Miller IV Murdered Over a Seat at a Baby Shower?; Are Genocidal Black Supremacist Malik Zulu Shabazz and the Nation of Islam Murder Cult Angling to Take Over City?”

“Detroit: Raceless Carjacker Breaks Leg of Black WWII Vet, 86, Who Crawls Back to Gas Station, as Detroiters Step Around Him; Finally, Arab Muslim Attendant Saves Him; Nameless Suspect in Custody”; and

“Detroit: White Woman Who was Jailed Next to Her Alleged (Gang) Rapist by Racist Black Judge Vanessa Bradley, is Sent Packing, as Charges are Thrown Out.”]

* * *

Glenn Morgan: Reaching out to educate
By Brent Dorian Carpenter
Originally printed 6/2/2005 (Issue 1322 - Between The Lines News)
Pride Source
[N.S.: Pride Source calls itself “Your Michigan LGBT Resource”]

At his core, Glenn Morgan is an educator. It doesn't matter if he's on his jobs as a Detroit-area high school social studies teacher or college-level speech instructor, or cruising the mean, untamed streets as an outreach worker for the Ruth Ellis Center to help the wayward LGBTQ teen youth.

"I've always had a heightened sense of race, political, cultural, environmental, historical, and sexual orientation consciousness since I was young," said Morgan. "I was reading books by Nietzsche, Fanon and W.E.B. DuBois while my peers were reading Dr. Seuss. This contributed to my understanding of racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia and so on. If it was meant for me to be a so-called activist, then I accept the challenge. It's risky for one to put himself out on the line because you never know who really has your back. Looking at the backward condition of black America today, it seems that a lot of activists martyred themselves for nothing."

Preventing wasted lives is not just a central mission, it is a labor of love, Morgan said.

"The most fulfilling thing about being at the Ruth Ellis Center is working with the youth. I believe in the mission of Ruth Ellis, which is contributing to the development of youth. I feel like these are like my younger brothers and sisters.
Now, sometimes the 'drama' they go through can be a bit much. But we were all teens at one point in our life. My philosophy is 'reach one, teach one.'

"We work as a team, so we are all responsible for developing programs and projects. Atiba Seitu, our supervisor, encourages staff to come up with creative ideas for the youth. At some point during this summer, I'm going to begin work on a project that focuses on LGBTQ youth that attend the Detroit Public Schools. The project will focus on the needs of and solutions to the problems LGBTQ youth face in the public school system."

The 1999 graduate from WSU's College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts with a degree in Communication and Language is poised to graduate this year from the Master of Arts in Teaching program at WSU's College of Education. He next plans to pursue a doctorate in Political Science. He has written over three hundred articles for Detroit's black weekly newspaper the Michigan Citizen and other outlets, and completed his first book of poetry, titled the "Grit Spirit Lives" in 2003.

"In the same year, I started my own company called IHL Communications/Inkata Entertainment, specializing in events management, public relations, public speaking, and image consultation," Morgan explained. "I also founded the organization Black Americans on the Move, a political cultural think tank focusing on African-American/African issues. I plan on devoting more time to further develop my business and organization at the end of this year."

"I've also made the commitment to expand another organization that I founded called The Royal House of La'Vasia Nouveau," he continued. "I serve as the national 'house mother' of the organization. As the mother, I accept the responsibility of mentoring the young people who've joined the organization."

Morgan put it all into perspective, stating, "I did not make a conscious decision to become a, quote, 'activist,' whether it be gay, black, etc. I really don't define myself in such a manner. However, I do understand that as an activist, you take on a sacred duty, in essence. You fight on behalf of the people. You must have the spiritual and intellectual wherewithal to fight against injustice to change the status quo. The last two national elections made me realize even more that dirty politics rules in the good ol' USA. There are a lot of mean-spirited, swashbuckling, greedy bastards in Washington. And they supposedly represent us. But, the elections did strengthen my resolve to raise people's political awareness about issues."

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