Saturday, March 10, 2012

At the San Francisco Chronicle, “Gangbanger” is the New “Nigger”: Daily Blazes New Trails in Censorship



By Nicholas Stix

About an hour ago, I sought to respond to the following comment in a story about an alleged “hate crime,” which included the above mug shot.

9:55 AM on March 6, 2012

It appears that the tear drop tat is only partially inked in. That generally signifies that he killed someone as an act of vengence.

Self-confessed murderer. Obviously innocent of all charges.

Stix: I don’t claim to be an expert on gang scholarship, but I read somewhere that an empty teardrop meant that one of your gangbanger crime partners had been killed, and that you filled in the teardrop after killing his killer.

The Web site’s auto censor responded, in red,

Comment Not Posted. Your comment included the following inappropriate language “gangbanger”.

The Chronicle’s editors may not know proper punctuation, but they know “racism,” when they see it!

I was able to post my comment, once I wrote it as “g**gb**ger.” I also explained to other readers what the Chornicle had done, and thus, why I had to do what I did.

Reader bryce_byerley had also remarked,

10:39 PM on March 5, 2012

Obviously a slur campaign by OPD...You can tell by the teardrop tattoo that he is a pillar of the community.

I guess “teardrop tattoo” will now have to be banned.

Beginning in early 1987, racist blacks committed a series of race hoaxes, and then demanded and got speech codes, additional affirmative action admissions slots for incompetent, black applicants, and AA jobs worth ultimately hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars for incompetent, racist black faculty and functionaries, not to mention tremendous political power.

It all started at Columbia University, where a gang of racist black male thugs went around campus one day, committing mob attacks on individual white man students. The racist black thugs then made up a story, whereby they were the victims of white racists, who had assaulted them, while shouting “nigger” at them, and demanded the arrest of their victims. They were supported by violent, white communists (who staged a series of additional riots on their behalf) and later Tawana Brawley conspirator, black supremacist lawyer, C. Vernon Mason.

The media presented hour-long “news” mockumentaries on the resurgent “campus racism,” parroting the black racist line.

The point of the speech codes wasn’t to fight racial slurs, because then and now, blacks used them all the time, while whites virtually never did. It was to impose a regime of fear, in which blacks and their white racist allies could terrorize whites by lying about them, by charging the (non-communist) whites with having said the dreaded “n” word, as well as by claiming that any non-submissive speech by a white to or about blacks was “racist.”

In the meantime, things have come so far that racial socialist “educational” and media operations are trying to make it impossible for whites to even think in ways which they disapprove of.

1 comment:

  1. When you tell a white liberal that blacks themselves use the N-word all the time, they are dumbstruck.

    David In TN
