Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Keepin’ It Real in NOLA: 4 Men Arrested So Far in Gang-Rape, Robbery, of 53-Year-Old Home Health Care Nurse

[Postscript, 9/2/12: Tonight, Peter Brimelow just published my VDARE Katrina update, “Revising Katrina for the Age of Obama.”]

Brian Beasley, upper left; Glenn Elliott, upper right; Darren Holmes, lower left; and Jermaine Rumley, lower right

Three more men arrested in Gert Town gang rape
Saturday, February 4, 2012, 10:06 a.m.
Updated Sunday, February 5, 2012, 5:50 a.m.
By Anonymous
The Times-Picayune

Authorities have arrested three more suspects in the kidnapping and gang rape of a home health care nurse which occurred eight days ago in Gert Town.

They arrested 17-year-old Glenn Elliott, 19-year-old Darren Holmes, and 21-year-old Jeremy Rumley around 10 p.m. last night, according to a release from the New Orleans Police Department. The men were found by members of the NOPD Special Operations Division and the U.S. Marshals Task Force hiding out in a home in the 2800 block of St. Louis St. They were all booked with armed robbery, aggravated kidnapping and aggravated rape.

Three days ago, 21-year-old Brian Beasley turned himself in to police for the same crime after learning detectives had a warrant for his arrest, according to the release.

Bond for each man has been set at $1 million, according to Orleans Parish criminal court records.

Rumley, Holmes and Elliott each have several felony arrests, including firearms charges. Beasley has been booked with drug charges on several occasions. The arrest register lists Beasley as a mechanic who lives in Central City about two miles from where the attack occurred.

The victim, a 53-year-old woman, said she was preparing to visit a patient in the 4100 block of Thalia Street about 4 p.m. Jan. 26 when two armed men approached her and tried to rob her, according to police documents.

The area is desolate and made up largely of derelict structures and overgrown lots. The victim was a dedicated nurse who was not known to refuse visits to those who needed them, according to several friends and colleagues.

The men initially asked her for money, according to a police report, and then one of them got into her car and forced her to drive away.

The man directed her to a fourplex in the 1300 block of South Gayoso Street, two blocks away from where she was abducted, where as many as a half-dozen men who wore bandannas over their faces raped her, police have said.

A witness told investigators he saw five men with white T-shirts over their faces leave an abandoned house in the 4300 block of Thalia Street, according to the arrest warrant application. The witness said the men then went into a rundown house in the 1300 block of South Gayoso Street, around the corner from the Thalia Street address.

The witness said he later saw the men leave the home with the shirts off their faces and carrying a cell phone and a device that appeared to be an iPad. According to the arrest warrant application, the victim told police the suspects took her cell phone and an electronic tablet.

Anyone with additional information about the crime should call NOPD Detective Kevin Williams at 504.658.5524 or Crimestoppers at 504.822.1111.
[Thanks to reader-researcher RC for this article.

From WEJB/NSU’s New Orleans file:

“The Real World of Affirmative Action”;

“Video of Black Police Looting a Wal-Mart in New Orleans, One Day After Katrina Hit, and the NOPD Cover-Ups”;

“New Orleans, and the Hurricane Next Time”;

“The Great New Orleans Media Cover-Up”;

“New Orleans Times-Picayune Reporters, Editors Win Duranty-Blair Award for Journalistic Infamy” (4,000-word version);

“Seven at New Orleans Times-Picayune Win Duranty-Blair Award” (9,600-word version);

“Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Calls Katrina the Worst Natural and Man-Made Disaster in American History”;

“Misremembering Katrina: Michelle Malkin Writes on Race Again (When Will She Ever Learn?!)”;

“Mother-and-Son New Orleans Thugs Beat Bar Bouncer to a Pulp, with a Twist… or is It?”;

“Test Fraud in New Orleans Schools—Nothing to See Here”;

“In New Orleans, Raceless Hero is Murdered by Raceless Car-Jacker”; and

“White Travelers Getting Called ‘Honkeys’ by a Black Baggage Agent: Yet Another Reason to Love New Orleans.”

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