Friday, January 06, 2012

Tawana Goes to Colombia: Jakadrien Turner Hoax Blows Up; “Angry” Mom, NAACP, CBC

Seek Ghetto Lottery

Instead of Asking Questions About Teen's Outrageous Conduct, MSM Ignore Particulars, and Act as Advocate for Hoaxer's Greedy, Unfit Mother




Young criminal and hoaxer Jakadrien Turner




By Nicholas Stix


At 14, Jakadrien Turner was a gang-sign-flashing, compulsively lying, thief and runaway, and now she is reportedly pregnant. Last April, her lies led to the American citizen's deportation to Colombia, when the fake name she gave to authorities proved to be the same as that of a wanted fugitive from justice in Colombia.


Her "flabbergasted" mother, Johnisa/Johnessa (different stories spell it differently) Turner says, "Something definitely has to change," but she is not referring to Jakadrien, of whom she says,


"She was a mature girl, but Jakadrien was a good girl. She was responsible, respectful, started going through regular teenage things."


A 14-year-old—Jakadrien's age when her mother, who hasn't seen her since, is referring to her—who is a gang-sign-flashing thief, compulsive liar, and runaway, and is screwing around, is many things, but she is definitely not "mature," "responsible," "respectful," "good," and any community where her conduct is "regular" has to be a hell on earth.


USA Today's headline, "Runaway Dallas teen mistakenly deported to Colombia," is deceptive, in implying that ICE, which screws up enough for real that no lies are necessary, is at fault for the miscreant being deported. Based on the reported facts, the responsibility lies entirely with the young criminal.


WFAA alleged reporter Rebecca Lopez, instead of asking the mother to explain her daughter's conduct, asked her if she was "angry," to which the trashy mother, of course, answered in the affirmative.


Back in the late 1980s, and for many years thereafter, it was widely believed on the right that the media were "duped" by racist rape hoaxer Tawana Brawley. As I have been arguing for several years, the media were not duped by the Tawana Brawley Hoax; rather, they were collaborators who had been trolling for hoaxes. And they have degenerated to the point where they are presenting Brawley-type black hoaxers as perfectly normal.


Jakadrien Turner ran away from home in November, 2010. Given her mother's attitudes, it probably wasn't much of a home, in the first place. When she was caught shoplifting, she gave a false name, which turned out to be the name of a fugitive wanted by the Colombian police. So, she was turned over to the federal Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and appointed a lawyer, at (overwhelmingly white) taxpayers' expense.


I learned about this case from my colleague, Federale. Federale is the pen name of a federal immigration officer, and thus he was able to detail the layers of legal bureaucracy that Tawana, er, Jakadrien, would have gone through, at which time she would have had to repeat her lies again and again.


At some point, someone must have complimented her on her excellent English skills. Did she perhaps respond, "Thank you, I've lived here for many years"?


Delving into such questions is Journalism 101, in what should have been a juicy crime story. Instead, the MSM are presenting this as a civil rights story about a black female victim of federal government iniquity, and the wayward mother and her racist, black political allies are demanding reform (money, power, and corruption), where the only thing wrong is the hoaxer's behavior and their own.


If this country were led by decent, sensible people, the feds would sue Johnisa/Johnessa Turner for every cent that her daughter has cost the taxpayers. Instead, the taxpayers are in danger of being taken to the cleaners yet again by the Turners.


People expect the worst of people with names like Jakadrien, and they are rarely disappointed.


Likewise, people expect the worst of the MSM, and they are also rarely disappointed.



  1. Watching the video from the Rebecca Lopez link provided the fact that upon getting deported she wasn't yet pregnant but now possibly (probably) is.
    I guess being sent to a foreign nation thousands of miles from home with no family or any means of support isn't enough to quell the negress' libido, rather it was most likely the first form of occupation that came to her mind.

  2. HaHaHa I wonder if she enjoyed her trip to Colombia. Perhaps this will tech her to tell the truth.

  3. I know what she did was very stupid, but what's up with all the negative name calling and racist undertones in your post? There was obviously some issues going on to make her want to go through with such a thing...we don't know what the deal was. Instead of judging people, how about praying for them?

  4. Wwwwwoooowwwww! Yes she is wrong for what she done but is she any different from a teenage white girl killing her parents? Did you every really think about how they fingerprinted her but her prints didn't match the real Tika? Or how she didn't speak a bit of Spanish, but was still given a pass to the country? Or how if the person was so-called "wanted", why wasn't she kept in jail? So many question!

  5. "[the MSM] were collaborators who had been trolling for hoaxes. And they have degenerated to the point where they are presenting Brawley-type black hoaxers as perfectly normal"

    Spot on. Excellent post using this specific example to make the larger point about its pervasiveness in media culture.

  6. Chinese man and his baby shot to death in Rome by raceless killers. (Note that the wife was present, so there is no way the race of the perpetrators is not known). The carefully constructed phrase "previous offenders targeted" is probably a dog-whistle indirectly expressing the expected race of the offenders.

    Gotta love this sentence in the article: "Three thousand euro were found in the dead man's pocket, suggesting that the robbery went wrong." This is Larry Auster bait if I ever saw it.

  7. Nothing will ever make this young woman tell the truth, and nothing will ever make the MSM tell the truth.


  8. Thanks for the mention. It should also be known that Columbia has a population of English speaking blacks, sort of like those in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and other south and central American nations. So lack of Spanish skills is not unheard of.

  9. Wow, I am in full agreement with your perspective on this story! I love how the MSM constantly criminalize people for doing their job, because people like this girl, are unable to take responsibility for their own actions. It's always everyone else's fault, but the idiot who did it to themselves. Ridiculous. Thanks for the insite, Nicholas. I'm going to refer my readers to this story.

  10. Wow...."negress' libido"? I love how anonymous people on blogs use racist stereotypes like this as if black women are the only people who have sex. It is WELL known that one of the truths that slavery exposed was the white man's penchant for the "negress' libido", as your anonymous poster calls it. SO I would suppose if you are going to call out the libido of one group, you need to call out the "cracker libido" too! All of the half white/half black individuals didn't sprout from cabbage patches! LOL....racist people are ridiculous!
