Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An Illinois Reader Responds to “7 Black Kids Beat 13-Year-Old White Girl Almost to Death for Riding While White…”

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“7 Black Kids Beat 13-Year-Old White Girl Almost to Death for Riding While White; Suspects All ‘Placed on Home Confinement’: Comments Lockdown at WFTV.”]


N.S.: Note that the suspects were charged merely with “battery” and “disorderly
conduct.” Measly misdemeanors. This was attempted murder, lynching, and a
hate crime, felonies all. (The traditional legal term for a gang assault was

Reader: That is exactly what it is attempted murder. When you have a gang of half a dozen persons stomping a defenseless person on the ground that is attempted
murder. Nothing less. Grave bodily harm or death. One kick or stomp and your
ear, eye, voice box, teef, etc., can be knocked out or damaged for the rest of your life. Any attack where hospitalization is needed too is generally called grave bodily harm. Except when negroes do it to a whitey. Then it is a “fight,” what they call it. A “fight.” As it was at Jena too.

“There was a fight.” “Words were used.” “We are not sure exactly what happened.” “A random act.” “Wrong place at the wrong time,” etc.

My perception too is that it was not there were NOT any seats, they would just not let the white girl sit down. Plenty of seats, but they all sat in the aisle seat and would not let the white girl sit down, as they said the empty seat next to the winder was taken, etc.


  1. So its going to be the usual defense of "She called me the N-word."

    David In TN

  2. But the black thugs who beat the 13 year old white girl unconscious are our "Holder Youth".

    And like the Hitler Youth who were privileged darlings of the Fuhrer , The Holder Youth are privileged darlings of AG Eric Holder, who has explicitly stated that White Americans are not protected by Hate Crime Laws.

    Now consider the uproar in the Corrupt Liberal Media if this story was about a 13 year old black girl beaten unconscious by white thugs on her first day riding a school bus.

    "Liberalism" has killed journalism

  3. The refusal of the black kids on the bus to let this white girl sit in a vacant seat was the same tactic that led to a videotaped beating of a small white boy in a St Louis suburb.


    No doubt, if the races were reversed the talking heads in the Corrupt Liberal Media would be waxing indignant by comparing the black victims to a "Rosa Parks of the 21st Century" or using similar rhetoric.

    "Liberalism" has killed journalism

  4. Nicawawa,

    "Holder youth"; has a nice ring to it.

    By the way, I visited your blog the other day. You've been doing incredible work over the past few weeks!


  5. Thanks for the kind words Nicholas!

    The blog is the direct result of being kicked off several forums for mocking the Great "Liberal" Double Standard on race with irrefutable evidence of black racism and hatred of non blacks. It is such an irony that these close minded bigots who banned me call them selves "liberals"

    I am not trying to keep up with breaking news. You and some others do that well. Plus your scholarship and commentary is always first rate.

    But I am attempting to document and catalog black racism and race hatred gleaning info from "mainstream" sources so the blog becomes a one stop shop for that data.

    It is The Greatest Story Never Told. As you well know.

    But the word is getting out despite the Corrupt Liberal Media's efforts to censor it. Just look at how many articles involving interracial violent crime have the comments of the readers banned.More and more people are aware every day.

    Now if we could just get some politicians with integrity to speak out against it!

  6. Yet another black on white attack on a child using public transportation:

    See Video"

    Transit Police Looking For Girls Behind Vicious YouTube Attack On Portland TriMet Train

    Tuesday, January 10, 2012

