Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Esmeralda Barrera Slaying: Black Man Sought in Austin’s First 2012 Murder May be

Serial Rapist (Killer?) Guilty of Two Other "Attacks" on Women Same Night in Same Area


Murder victim Esmeralda "Esme" Barerra



Sketch of murder suspect who may have "attacked" three

women during the same night, in the same area



[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:


"Murders in Austin, TX: First One of the Year Involves a Mexican Victim: Esme Barrera, a Teaching Assistant and Avid Rock Fan."]


By Nicholas Stix


Shortly after the New Year struck, Esmeralda "Esme" Barerra was murdered in her Austin, Texas neighborhood. The local media now say that two other women were "attacked" during the same night in the same area, one in her own home, and that police believe that the same 6' tall, powerfully built black man in his thirties may be behind all three "attacks."


Where female victims are concerned, the word "attack" is typically a journospeak euphemism for "rape." Feminists have worked tirelessly since the publication of Susan Brownmiller's 1975 manifesto, Against Our Will, to blur the distinction between rape and non-rape, in order to wildly exaggerate the incidence of white male-on-female rape, such as the feminist myth asserting that 25 percent of coeds have endured a rape or attempted rape. To a feminist, a man making an incomplete pass at a female is guilty of an attempted rape.


Campus feminists have built political and patronage fiefdoms out of the myth of pervasive white male-perpetrated campus sexual violence, while ignoring the real dangers of campus life, and betraying young women, in the bargain.


Media feminists imposed the same mushy language for describing real rapes ("assaults"), so that no one knows what anyone is talking about anymore. In reality, feminists in and out of the media will use the same description—"assault" or "sexual assault"—for a man groping a woman or raping her. Years of observing journalists in their natural habitat have taught me that the media will use the word "attack," which literally suggests a beating, as a euphemism for rape. Thus, the media are suggesting that Esme Barerra's killer is a serial rapist, which also suggests that he raped her, too.


To anyone who objects to my interpretations of journospeak, I say, complain to the media, not me. I use simple English. If the media would do likewise, none of these issues would arise. But there is power to be gained in spreading confusion and hysteria.


In any event, Austin is now home to both affluence and diversity, and thus is increasingly a diversitopia, like almost every mid-sized to large city in America.


Note that in the following video, KVUE reporter Jessica Vess pronounces "Barrera" as if she were in Mexico.



Beloved woman's homicide may be connected to other attacks

by Jessica Vess / KVUE News

Bio | Email | Follow: @JessicaV_KVUE


January 3, 2012 at 7:13 a.m.

Updated today at 11:29 a.m.



AUSTIN -- Police are searching for a man of interest in the homicide of a beloved aspiring Austin teacher. They now believe he may also be connected to two separate attacks the same morning she was killed.

Police found the body of Esmeralda Barrera, 29, at the house she rented on King Street in Central Austin around 3 a.m. Sunday. There are now flowers and gifts stretching out across her driveway.

Over the past two days, those who knew Barrera have set up several blog pages online in her honor.

Esme, as she was known to friends and family, worked as an assistant in a special education class at Casis Elementary School. She aspired to be a teacher.

Around her house now there is everything from candles to cards and flowers. One friend visited Tuesday morning and added to the growing memorial.


"Like any good friendship, there's always a give and take. Esme always gave and gave and gave and gave. It's not the last I'll think of her, it's not the last I'll see of her, but it's just something I wanted to do to show my respect and how much she meant to me. I'm sure I'll be back here again at some point," said Long Le.


Police are looking for the man behind the attack. Officers patrolled the streets around her house Tuesday morning. Detectives say the same morning Barrera died, two other women in the neighborhood were also attacked. According to police, a man attacked a woman on the street shortly before Barrera's murder. Another woman reported being attacked inside her own home later in the morning.

Neighbors are on alert.


"I didn't sleep last night. I was pretty upset. We turned on our lights outside and I just made sure to pay attention to Ellie [my dog] and her signals. Just, well last night I didn't leave the house after dark actually. I hope it doesn't stay that way but that's how I feel right now," said Kathleen Lynch.


Police released a suspect sketch of the man they're looking for in connection to the attacks. He's described as a black man between 30 and 40 years old. He's about six feet tall with a muscular build and large dark brown eyes.


Anyone with information about the attacks is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 472-TIPS.


[Thanks to reader-researcher RC for this story.]


  1. This blog is incredible ignorant.

  2. Actually it's right on. They need to call it what it is. That poor girl was raped and murdered by a vicious beast and its going to do this again. I think the writer is trying to say that the word 'rape' has been replaced by the ambiguous and misleading word 'attack'

  3. This poor girl was murdered....who cares how Jessica Vess pronounced her last name!!

  4. Anon 1/5/12 7:40 p.m.,

    Hundreds of millions of people care, and you're probably one of them.

  5. Good commentary as usual re the games media plays with race and crime, though I'd like to defend Susan Brownmiller and her book "Against Our Will". If you read the book completely you discover she actually addresses the issue of the disproportionate amount of rape committed by black men against white women, without whitewashing or trying to diminish it in any way though I think she could have done a better job of exploring the implications of it. She also describes her struggle obtaining data concerning interracial rape. While she is a feminist and has many of their blinders and biases she's virtually the only (white) feminist that I know to actually address the issue. If you haven't read the book, please put it on your list, it has it's flaws but also some insightful information.

    Since were on this subject I'd like to point this out:
    I know you are well aware of the 37,000 rapes committed by black men against white women and the almost nonexistent assault by white men against black women. What is astounding about this figure is the absolute lack of interest feminism has. Feminist appear to be utterly consumed with the issue of sexual assault yet are uninterested in the fact that white men have essentially ceased to rape black women. White men used to committ far more interracial rapes than black men but during the civil right era it began to flip flop. The compulsion to rape is a powerful drive in certain men, some would say it's impossible to stop rape, yet white rapists have stopped raping black women. Maybe it is possible to stop rape after all. Clearly the civil rights movement has had such an impact even degenerate white rapists have ceased to rape black women. You would think the feminist movement would be right on this as evidence that rape can be stopped as a crime. Yet they are utterly silent. Of course for them to acknowledge this would mean acknowledging that black men almost exclusively commit interracial rape. Instead they participate in the ignoring of or subtly encouraging of black rapists and the focusing on white frat boy misogynistic attitudes while ignoring the vastly more violent pimpin' bitch slapping it's OK to rape a Ho, even if they're underage (after all it's just bizness) culture glamorized in rap music and the black community in general (not excusing the whites that consume the product also). I think this issue would merit a column in itself instead of being buried in a comments field. I hope to see it sometime. Keep up the good work.

  6. Anon, 1/6/12, 4:22 a.m.,

    Thank you very much for your long, thoughtful comment.

    I don’t have time to do it justice right now, but I will purchase Brownmiller and hope to read her within the next year. (I’m so backed up, that even that is unrealistic.)

    As for feminists and rape, I think that feminists are both hysterically obsessed with rape, and don’t care much about it. That sounds perverse, and it is, so let me explain.

    What are the pillars of feminism? “Rape culture,” abortion rights, and “discrimination” (pseudo-scholarship and frivolous lawsuits).

    What all three have in common is the lust for untrammeled power. (Feminism grants no place for virtue.)

    Abortion is about a woman’s license to kill her unborn child.

    “Discrimination” is about the license of bad women to hold their white bosses hostage, and shake them down at will.

    And “rape culture” is about the license to hold all white men hostage.

    Why the qualifier “white”? Because feminists have sold their souls for a mess of pottage. They have submitted to racist blacks for the power that alliance has bestowed on them, and both groups settled on heterosexual white men as a common target of hate. Even following the Central Park II attacks during and after the Puerto Rican Day parade in June 2000, in which mostly black men preyed on mostly white women, feminists attacked the NYPD, because most of the cops near the park that day where white. They made not a peep about the obvious racism behind the attacks.

    If feminists really cared about rape, they would do everything in their power to protect women, including advising them to avoid behaviors and locations that endanger them. Instead, they scream hysterically that they have a “right” to engage in every possible reckless behavior, and go anywhere they want, at any time.

    Likewise, if feminists cared about protecting women, they would be constantly giving classes on real self-defense, including the care and use of weapons, whether they be knives, mace, bludgeons, or guns. Instead, they support ever more draconian gun control, and the only self-defense “classes” they seem to give are those ridiculous exhibitions where a man in a “Michelin Man” costume gets kicked into submission by a woman. Such stupid presentations can only get women killed.

    But screaming rape, especially promoting rape hoaxes has resulted in great money and power for feminist leaders and activists.

    Look at Duke. White coeds were getting rasped by black men on that campus, even during the hoax, but no feminists said or did anything about it. The danger to coeds of any color from white men at Duke was virtually non-existent.

  7. This is a perfect example of how dangerous "african-americans" are. They are worthless pieces of sh*t and should be sent back to africa.
