Thursday, September 08, 2011

Racist Black Lynch Mob Beats, Stomps White Dallas Convenience Store Clerk Almost to Death



Given its diversitopian demographics and, accordingly, crime rates, I was surprised not to get reports like this from there earlier.

Dallas store clerk attacked by group of young people
By Monika Diaz
Posted on September 7, 2011 at 10:37 PM
Updated yesterday at 10:40 PM
Clerk attacked


DALLAS — It was an ordinary night, August 26, at the Exxon Tiger Mart at South Polk Street and Interstate 20 in Dallas.

C.J. Thomas, the store's clerk, was behind the counter when a rush of customers came through the door at 10:12 p.m.

"There was more coming in than going out," Thomas said. "Once they realized how many were in there, one of the students started throwing stuff and screamed out. Everything after that went crazy."

Store surveillance cameras from different angles show bottles being thrown.

Seconds later, Thomas ran to the front door. He tried to close it, but he couldn't hold back the crowd.

Some of them grabbed drinks, chips, and other items and began pushing their way out.

Thomas said he tried to stop some people from stealing.

"In the process of them walking out, tried to stop a student with a lot of things in his hands and when I tried to do that, he shoved me out into the parking lot and swung at me," Thomas said.

Thomas then says several men then pulled him to the ground and started kicking and punching him.

"I was terrified," he said. "At first, I thought I would be able to get back into the store, and once they got me on the ground, I thought they were going to kill me."

Thomas suffered cuts on his nose, eyes and lip. He still has a bruised rib and bicep. He told us his injuries would have been worse if two girls hadn't stepped in.

"I'm very grateful for that," said Thomas. "If it wasn't for them, I could have lost my life."

Thomas and his family met with Dallas police Wednesday afternoon. Officers are now investigating the incident as an aggravated robbery assault. Thomas hopes this video motivates witnesses to come forward.

"If you all have any idea who did this, please put their names out there, 'cause if they don't get caught, they are going to do it again," Thomas said.

If you have any information on this case, call the Dallas Police Department.

[Thanks to reader-researchers RC and "W."]


  1. More feral blacks. Where's it going to stop, people? Their peeps won't stop them. When they see something like this going on they run to join in.

  2. If the races were reversed, the media would be calling this a hate crime and it would be on every channel including overseas.Did you notice how all the black youth went to defend their black brother against the evil white man. I remember in Seattle during a Mardi Gras celebration (I think)a small group of black boys(about 5)started beating a white girl and when a white boy came to her defense they beat him to death in front of thousands of white people and nobody did a damm thing.It was all caught on tape.Look it up, it was about 15 years ago I think. If those races had been reversed, all 5 of those boys if they were white, would be dead.Get a clue everybody,the non whites in the US do not want a colorblind society.It is much more beneficial to play the victim.

  3. Actually, I’ve written repeatedly about the racist murder of Kris Kime.

    “Three Race Murders in Seattle”

    “De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’”

  4. Glad I found your blog.Sometimes I feel like I'm the only white person with a brain in this country.I know that I am not a racist but anytime you speak about racism or discrimination against whites, people just laugh or call you a racist, including white people. One last thing,why is it that every person that is half black and half anything else,prefers to identify with the black half?Barrack Obama,Tiger Woods,Alicia keys,Halle Berry, etc. I could go on but I can't think right now.Because it is more beneficial to them.One last thing.To me Charlize Theron is a African American. Anybody that puts anything in front of American is a Racist. I refer to myself as a American.Thanks for letting me vent.I will be following your blog.
