Monday, September 19, 2011

“Merit Aid” Without Merit: Is Furman U. President Rod Smolla’s Affirmative Action Scam the Wave of the Future?


"Rod Smolla, president of Furman U., encouraged his staff to develop new ways to evaluate students for admission and merit scholarships."

Blurb from the Chronicle mailing: “Leaders at Furman University came up with ways to evaluate students on more qualitative measures, like passion and grit.” [Yeah, and race, and ethnicity, and sexuality, and politics…]

One University Plays Down SAT Scores in Awarding Merit Aid
By Beckie Supiano
August 14, 2011
The Chronicle of Higher Education

Until recently, SAT scores played a major role in Furman University's merit-scholarship decisions. But for this fall's entering class, the university went in a new direction.

Like plenty of other colleges looking to enhance their reputations, Furman had spent a lot of money to recruit students with high standardized-test scores. But Furman was putting even more weight on test scores than it meant to, says Rod Smolla, who became the university's president in 2010. This was just one of… [cutoff of excerpt]


  1. Full article

  2. Why worry about the decline? Who needs SAT achievement, anyway? Now, low scores pay better for some.

    The lower your score,if you are a winner of the hostile and anti-white Diversity Gene and the more anti-white you, you can get in college by just withholding your dismal scores, thus signaling the admission office that you are an “opportunity applicant,” i.e. you will help “increase our diversity and inclusion array, which more important than anything else, because as far as we’ve come, we still have a long way to go- we must do more!”

    Sewanee drops use of ACT, SAT results

    Students applying to attend Sewanee: The University of the South no longer will have to take college entrance exams such as the ACT or SAT before applying to attend the liberal arts school.

    Mr. Lesesne said school officials “believe that making the SAT and ACT optional will create greater access to students from an array of socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds.”

    Diversity Trumps Civilization at UGA:

    1. Enhance and sustain an institutional climate that values and welcomes diversity and

    2. Increase the recruitment and retention of diverse students, with emphasis on those
    who are historically underrepresented.
