Friday, July 01, 2011

Five-Year-Old Shoots Four-Year-Old in Prince George’s County, MD (This is Not an Onion Satire!)

By Nicholas Stix

In 92.69% black (and 3.36% white) Hillcrest Heights, a raceless five-year-old got an early start on Independence Day Weekend festivities yesterday, by gut-shooting a four-year-old on a playground, with a gun the five-year-old had apparently brought from home.


Police say the bullet passed right through the upper part of the four-year-old’s torso.

Ebony Webb says she was there when the four-year-old boy ran into his apartment after he was shot. She called 911 and helped clean the wound. Officials transported the four-year-old to Children’s Hospital. Authorities say the gunshot wound is not life-threatening….

Child Shoots Another Child on Playground in Hillcrest Heights
Updated: Friday, July 1, 2011, 11:00 a.m.
Published: Thursday, June 30, 2011, 5:13 p.m.
By Matt Ackland/MyFoxDC

This incident clearly points to the necessity for passing a local ordinance raising the age at which children can shoot people in Prince George’s County, to at least six!

A tip ‘o the do-rag to American Renaissance, whose dogged staff provided the demographic stats.

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