Saturday, May 14, 2011

“Raceless” Suspects in L.A. Shotgun Robbery-Homicides are Arraigned with No Cameras Present; White Female Suspect’s Mother Defends Daughter’s Honor

By David in TN

Previously by David in TN:

“Raceless Suspects Booked in MTV Music Coordinator Slaying”; and

“Update: ‘Raceless’ L.A. Shotgun Robbery-Homicide Suspects Turn Out to be a Multicultural Dream Team.”

This news clip from KABC shows Destiny Young's mother crying on the steps of the downtown criminal courts building. The three suspects had just been arraigned with no cameras present.

Off camera, she apparently told the KABC reporter that her daughter had known Thomas for only three weeks and was “totally manipulated by him.” Destiny Young was said to be a security guard at a local theme park.

* * *

NS: I can perfectly understand what the mother is saying. People “totally manipulate” me into robbing and blowing folks away, all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Redux:
