Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gustav Holst: The Planets Suite, Played by the Cornell and Ithaca College Symphony Orchestras


John Williams’ Star Wars theme made me think of Holst’s The Planets, which the folks at Cornell University were kind enough to post at their Web site, and for which I thank them.

From the Cornell Web site:

The Cornell and Ithaca College Symphony Orchestras performed Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' in its entirety, October 11, 2008 in Cornell's Bailey Hall, under the direction of conductors Jeffery Meyer and Chris Younghoon Kim. Meyer, conductor of the Ithaca College ensemble, lead the first three movements--Mars, Venus, and Mercury; Kim, conductor of the Cornell Symphony Orchestra, lead the final four--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In Neptune, the two ensembles--a combined 196 players--are joined by a 40-voice Ithaca College women's chorus, conducted off-stage by Ana Withiam.

The concert coincided with the 40th annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS), held on the Cornell University campus.

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