Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ten Reasons to Burn a Koran: Islam is the New Nazism


The following essay was published on the ‘Net at the Website and blog, respectively, of Gainesville Florida’s Dove World Outreach Center, whose congregation is shepherded by Pastor Terry Jones. Pastor Jones has threatened to burn one or more Korans today. At one point, Pastor Jones yielded to pressure from The John Doe Calling Himself “Barack Obama,” and said he would not burn any Korans today, but then the Pastor seemed to equivocate on his plans.

In any event, one of Pastor Jones’ many enemies imposed upon his Internet service provider, Rackspace, to shut down his Web site. Jones’ blog,Islam is of the Devil, has also been shut down. Thus, while his enemies enjoy freedom of speech, Pastor Jones does not.

I copied and pasted the following essay, published at Islam is of the Devil, from its Google cache, which could disappear at any time. Much disinformation notwithstanding, the Internet is not forever.

Note that while the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” has through his proxies condemned Pastor Jones, and personally supported Moslems’ plan to build a Victory Mosque at Ground Zero, based on the First Amendment’s Free Exercise clause, claiming that in America, everyone enjoys freedom of religion and speech, and equality under the law, “Obama” has not defended Pastor Jones’ freedom of religion and of speech, or his equality under the law, and has not condemned the over 50 death threats that Jones says he has received.

But of course, anyone who knows anything about “Obama,” knows that he does not believe in our Constitution, but awards privileges to some groups (e.g., blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, Moslems, etc.), while disenfranchising others (traditional or conservative, heterosexual whites, especially conservative, Christian whites).

Regarding Pastor Jones’ first thesis, Judaism also teaches that that Jesus was not the Son of God—because the notion of a son of God is heretical to Judaism—that he was not the Messiah, and thus not the “Christ,” which means “Messiah.” But of course, no religion, save for Christianity considers Jesus the Christ.

If I believed that Jesus was the Christ, I’d have to run out and get baptized, and convert to Christianity. (Even then, it still might never happen. I might well dither ‘til death, debating with myself: “Well, I love Protestantism’s belief that everyman is a priest (“Jedermann ein Priester!”), and opposition to the corruption of the Mother Church; but I love Catholicism’s Logos, and ritual, and music, and rich traditions….”)

In any event, although Christians are heretics, I can honestly say that some of my best friends are Christians. In fact, I liked one so much, I married her!

By the way, I hope that Pastor Jones does burn at least one Koran. That would be a legal form of protest. Since we’re not permitted to undertake more dramatic forms of protest, like, say, bombing mosques, without spending many years in prison, when “Obama” denounces burning Korans, it means that he denies Americans the right to criticize Islam in any way. Note too that he does not denounce forms of sacrilege committed against Christianity that are protected by the First Amendment. That is because, politically speaking, at the very least, “Obama” is a Moslem. He has granted Islam special protected status. Thus has he established it, stealthily, and in violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, as a state church.

Nicholas Stix

10 Reasons to Burn a Koran: Islam is the new Nazism

On 9/11/10 we are burning Korans to raise awareness and warn. In a sense it is neither an act of love nor of hate. We see, as we state in the Ten Reasons below, that Islam is a danger. We are using this act to warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful. We do not hate any people, however. We love, as God loves, all the people in the world and we want them to come to a knowledge of the truth. To warn of danger and harm is a loving act. God is love and truth. If you know the truth it can set you free. The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam. These are:


The Koran teaches that Jesus Christ, the Crucified, Risen Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords was NOT the Son of God, nor was he crucified (a well documented historical fact that ONLY Islam denies). This teaching removes the possibility of salvation and eternal life in heaven for all Islam's believers. They face eternal damnation in hell if they do not repent.


The Koran does not have an eternal origin. It is not recorded in heaven. The Almighty God, Creator of the World, is NOT it's source. It is not holy. It's writings are human in origin, a concoction of old and new teachings. This has been stated and restated for centuries by scholars since Islam's beginnings, both Moslem and non-Moslem.


The Koran's teaching includes Arabian idolatry, paganism, rites and rituals. These are demonic, an ongoing satanic stronghold under which Moslems and the world suffer.


The earliest writings that are known to exist about the Prophet Mohammad were recorded 120 years after his death. All of the Islamic writings (the Koran and the Hadith, the biographies, the traditions and histories) are confused, contradictory and inconsistent. Maybe Mohammad never existed. We have no conclusive account about what he said or did. Yet Moslems follow the destructive teachings of Islam without question.


Mohammad's life and message cannot be respected. The first Meccan period of his leadership seems to have been religiously motivated and a search for the truth. But in the second Medina period he was "corrupted by power and worldly ambitions." (Ibn Warraq) These are characteristics that God hates. They also led to political assassinations and massacres which continue to be carried out on a regular basis by his followers today.


Islamic Law is totalitarian in nature. There is no separation of church and state. It is irrational. It is supposedly immutable and cannot be changed. It must be accepted without criticism. It has many similarities to Nazism, Communism and Fascism. It is not compatible with Western Civilization.


Islam is not compatible with democracy and human rights. The notion of a moral individual capable of making decisions and taking responsibility for them does not exist in Islam. The attitude towards women in Islam as inferior possessions of men has led to countless cases of mistreatment and abuse for which Moslem men receive little or no punishment, and in many cases are encouraged to commit such acts, and are even praised for them. This is a direct fruit of the teachings of the Koran.


A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion. Apostasy is punishable by death.


Deep in the Islamic teaching and culture is the irrational fear and loathing of the West.


Islam is a weapon of Arab imperialism and Islamic colonialism. Wherever Islam has or gains political power, Christians, Jews and all non-Moslems receive persecution, discrimination, are forced to convert. There are massacres and churches, synagogues, temples and other places of worship are destroyed.

Acts 19:18-20 (Amplified)

Many also of those who were now believers came making full confession and thoroughly exposing their [former deceptive and evil] practices.

And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts collected their books and [throwing them, book after book, on the pile] burned them in the sight of everybody. When they counted the value of them, they found it amounted to 50,000 pieces of silver (about $9,300).

Thus the Word of the Lord [concerning the attainment through Christ of eternal salvation in the kingdom of God] grew and spread and intensified, prevailing mightily.

Like the Christians in Acts 19, we are publicly burning a book that is demonic. Many of our greatest supporters are ex-Moslems. They know these evils first hand. We are not, like the Nazis, stealing books, destroying properties or harming any people. We are not Nazis nor are we like Nazis. The Christians in Acts 19 did not go on from their scroll burning to harm anyone. They used the public burning as an opportunity, a demonstration to preach the truth. Only to preach and leave the decision of whether to follow the truth or not.

Do not forget POINT SIX. Islam (not us) is totalitarian in nature, like Nazism, Communism, and Fascism. This evil nature of Islam needs to be seen. Moslems around the world burn and kill on a regular basis, every week, properties and people. All you have to do is follow the news. The many death threats we are receiving, the warnings about terror attacks also prove our point. Do Christians make these threats when Bibles or churches are burned? No.

We have fallen asleep since 9/11/01 and have been hoodwinked by the growth of a (for now) non violent Islam. Shall we give in to threats, then, and allow Islam to grow in America unopposed? We at Dove World Outreach Center will not, even if it costs us our lives. For those who support us, we say thank you for standing with us in courage. For those who oppose us, we say wake up and do not give in to the fear and lies!

International Burn a Koran Day on Facebook


  1. In Islam Jesus is recognized as a major prophet and as the Messiah who will preside at the last judgment. His mother has an entire chapter in the Koran. Myriad of Muslims are named Jesus and Mary after them.

  2. I have heard that Muslims believe prophets cannot lie. If that's true, I don't understand how they can ignore what Jesus said about himself especially how He the son of god and is the only way to salvation. Of course, if one lives in a society or nation where Bibles, missionaries, etc., are banned on pain of death, a Muslim will never have the chance to read Jesus' own words.

    I'd like to recommend the book "Christ, Muhammad and I" by Mohammad Al Ghazoli, a Muslim who left Islam for Christ.

  3. Sorry for a little bit of bad grammar in my previous post: I haven't been awake very long this morning.

  4. Some good points made. I remember when they burned the Beatles albums,nobody got all riled up then...

  5. But of course, anyone who knows anything about “Obama,” knows that he does not believe in our Constitution, but awards privileges to some groups (e.g., blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, Moslems, etc.), while disenfranchising others (traditional or conservative, heterosexual whites, especially conservative, Christian whites).

    True enough, but then again, this has been taking place under presidents of both political parties since the 1960s.

  6. Robert:

    As a "prophet," yes. As for "the Messiah who will preside at the last judgment," you're going to have to provide some cites. That doesn't sound kosher to me.

  7. "jeigheff said...

    "I have heard that Muslims believe prophets cannot lie. If that's true, I don't understand how they can ignore what Jesus said about himself especially how He the son of god and is the only way to salvation. Of course, if one lives in a society or nation where Bibles, missionaries, etc., are banned on pain of death, a Muslim will never have the chance to read Jesus' own words.

    "I'd like to recommend the book 'Christ, Muhammad and I' by Mohammad Al Ghazoli, a Muslim who left Islam for Christ."

    "Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:09:00 AM EDT"

    Of course, Mohammed was a compulsive liar! Thanks for the heads-up, re the book, jeigheff.

  8. jeigheff,

    Don't worry about the occasional grammatical error. I only use grammar as a brickbat against my enemies, and that's because they started charging me with having made imaginary errors! Not that I'm perfect, either.

  9. "S. Orville said...

    "Some good points made. I remember when they burned the Beatles albums,nobody got all riled up then...

    Sunday, September 12, 2010 9:41:00 PM EDT"

    LOL! Who dat, burned the Beatles? The Moslems?!

  10. "Californian said...

    "'But of course, anyone who knows anything about 'Obama,' knows that he does not believe in our Constitution, but awards privileges to some groups (e.g., blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, Moslems, etc.), while disenfranchising others (traditional or conservative, heterosexual whites, especially conservative, Christian whites).

    "True enough, but then again, this has been taking place under presidents of both political parties since the 1960s.

    Monday, September 13, 2010 2:55:00 AM EDT"

    You're right, of course. That's why I've been tearing my hair out for years, no matter who was in power, to the point where I'm almost bald!

  11. Anyone who wants to read Christian scriptures can find them on the internet. Things like that are not blocked in Saudi Arabia

  12. In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: ???? ???? ???????, Nabi Isa) is considered to be a Messenger of God who was sent to guide the People of Israel (bani isra'il) with a new scripture, the Injil or Gospel.[1]

    The Qur'an, considered by Muslims to be God's final and authoritative revelation to humankind, mentions Jesus twenty-five times.[2] It states that Jesus was born to Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Allah). To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles, all by the permission of God rather than his own power. According to Islamic texts, Jesus was neither killed nor crucified, but rather he was raised alive up to heaven.[3] The Qur’an states that he will return to Earth near the day of judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Masi? ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah", also known as the Antichrist)[4][5] along with Imam Mahdi.

  13. I'm afraid the real answer about what most Muslims think of Jesus is very simple. It also applies to many people on earth: they think they know who Jesus is, but they really don't. And if Jesus (rather than Mohammed or Allah or anyone else) isn't their Lord, they're lost.

    The Muslim belief that Jesus wasn't killed can't be accepted by Christians. You see, Jesus is the Lamb of God, which means His death (and shed blood) was an acceptable sacrifice to God for the sins of mankind. (Remember how Jesus said he came not abolish the OT law, but to fulfill it?) To be saved is really very simple: a person has to genuinely believe that Jesus made the sacrifice needed for that person's sins, repent, and invite Jesus to be his or her Lord and Saviour.

    Politely speaking, the Muslims are deceived about Jesus by their own holy book. It gives the reader some truth about Jesus, but it also includes a big ol' whopper of a lie which is easily refuted by reading the Christian New Testament.

    Thanks to the Internet, it's true that Muslims have more access to the Christian Bible than they did previously (in spite of real anti-Jewish and anti-Christian persecution in Muslim countries.) But for someone really seeking the truth about who Jesus is, the differences between the Bible and the Koran are pretty sharp. I don't see how anyone could accept them both.

  14. I'm afraid the real answer about what most Muslims think of Jesus is very simple. It also applies to many people on earth: they think they know who Jesus is, but they really don't. And if Jesus (rather than Mohammed or Allah or anyone else) isn't their Lord, they're lost.

    The Muslim belief that Jesus wasn't killed can't be accepted by Christians. You see, Jesus is the Lamb of God, which means His death (and shed blood) was an acceptable sacrifice to God for the sins of mankind. (Remember how Jesus said he came not abolish the OT law, but to fulfill it?) To be saved is really very simple: a person has to genuinely believe that Jesus made the sacrifice needed for that person's sins, repent, and invite Jesus to be his or her Lord and Saviour.

    Politely speaking, the Muslims are deceived about Jesus by their own holy book. It gives the reader some truth about Jesus, but it also includes a big ol' whopper of a lie which is easily refuted by reading the Christian New Testament.

    Thanks to the Internet, it's true that Muslims have more access to the Christian Bible than they did previously (in spite of real anti-Jewish and anti-Christian persecution in Muslim countries.) But for someone really seeking the truth about who Jesus is, the differences between the Bible and the Koran are pretty sharp. I don't see how anyone could accept them both.

  15. Because as the old hymn goes, Jesus came into my heart.

  16. Has everypone forgotten a phrase that began as a result of 9/11/01 - if we don't do such-and-such,or if we're not allowed to do such-and-such,or if we let such-and-such happen - "then the terrorists have won"?

    This is one such case,however small. I was not surprised at all to see Pastor Jones lose his guts ,but Fred Phelps - whatever you think of him and his church - DID have the guts,was totally fearless,and burned those korans gleefully.


  17. Hello mr. stix we assalamuallakum peace be unto you sir well you have surely said made you statement you affirmed you pi position about our blessed v book the koran or quran whatever you like I admire you your passion and zeal this shoes shows how deidui dedicated you are to your message You have organized all this well though I jusy just would love to clarify a few things for you You see if you really read a quran you would not probably have the vanimosity and feelings you share with it now Also understood it you would not either Plus most od of that has nothing to do with the quran so let me extract this poiny by point it wont be in order v but I will cover most of what you said

  18. Now point two about the eternal orin origin not existing There is an eternal origin If you dont knoe allah is our name God The one who brought israelites out of egypt which is the quran the one who was close to david who is the quran as dawood So by our iman which faith we believe he wrote this book just as you with the bible so if you claim us as not having an eternal source we by faith as you beleive in because there is no visible proof to you then the bible must be the of the the sdame caes case ale also about jesus and the christian belief of crucifition pa attention it may have been proven that a man died on the cross who people thought was jesus but we say that god saved jesus and put a replica human of jesus there which is why people probably that they jesu on the cross so in any event we dont exactly have to be wrong also that is stated clearly in the koran

  19. Secondly point four about the written islamic writings There are no contradiction except but between some weak hadith and the quran You show me one and I will disprove o it I have seen mant many things eople have mistaken to be contradictions because they did,uio not read god enougfh or enough perios period destructive religion not islam the whole kill infidel thing is all i a misconception The quran say says fight those who fo fight you and kill them whereever you see them so in the verses talking about killing other religious groups that you have seen it would have to mean it was in defense also those verses are referring to batl battles fought by the prophet salalahualaihiwasalam not everyone who is muslim There are alsio many verses wghich condemn killing without just cause and also the just cause is not a person being a non-muslim the quran also talks against forcing people to convert. Thjere also seven things the prophet salalahualaihiwassalam said that muslim must do before even considering killing a person and the last is if you run away fro the person and he or she still desires to kill you then that is your when you can kill in defense

  20. Then point three about idolar most of the the quran actuall nearly condemns it saying those who perform it will go to hell but the one few verses that talk about alat and two other gos are the satanic verses which muhammed mistakenly pi put in the quran that he obtained fro satan trhis is proven because his someone wrote that mohammed told him this infr information How can we be satanic when we have a book that attacks these things The prophet salalaalaihiwassalam is always against satan or iblis He also tore the gods

  21. that were at the kaaba whicgh were idols so how ia i the quran and prophet salalaalaihiwassalam for idolatryNumber five /the prophet cantbe respected Let me inform you about the Prophet Muhammed There is a hadith that says that once when he had In war wj when a man was to kill him and said to him who will save you now when he was getting radt ready to d strike him an angel somehow made the man fall so muhammed was now in a postion to to kill him for revenge so with the man sword in

  22. in his hand he jokingly said who will save you now and put the sword down and gave the man a hand to stand up This merciful man cant be repected anya any way another story in the hadith his wife was about to got into an agry tantrum in his house and threw plates acri across the house while he was meeting with his high officials in side there what did he do he did not get loud and reprimand her or beat her He smiled and attented r to her While doing a sermon he stopped the whole thing to kiss his grandchild When a jewish man lent him money and came back way earlier than them then when he said he could pay him back and tried to choke our prophet he did not fight back he simply gave him the monety and more money than what he owed Also one more out of the many more than this Tnh The prophet picked a fruit from a field some type fruit i cannot recall for long time just to feed people to needed something if He went two dats without food just do his duty of helping others Also after that two days he agreed to run with his daughter because when she asked him to Now tell me that this guy should not be respected All these stories are authentic

  23. also about the medina thig i have to look up on that im not suse but man is not perfect dont judge the book by that Islam as the quran teaches would permo permit massacres assassinat Point six are you crazy nazism communism maybe on its good aspects You are right abot noe relating to western culture and that is not a bad thing Western culture has a very corrupt ideals that secretly exploit the world and take interest ( money that you pay for no reason) from it but ni bo but not islam also some sharia set by some leaders were not islamic just things they tried to add on

  24. Also a muslim does have the right to change by choice of his own physically but he will not go to jannah (heaven) according the quran he will also be cursed by allah to not change back Also islam does not teach ant anything about hating the west cause when it was revealed the west wasnt eveb knowb of though in islamic teachings and lectures sh imams and sheieks at time add in messages about the evil e ways of the imperialist eveli capitalists ways of the US in its attempts at the new world order

  25. In point number ten what is ste stated has nothing to do with islam because it teaches is not to dothose things even if a good group of my sisters and brothers have

  26. I apologize to the world and you for these evil corrupt individuals who work the the united sy states cia and at times on their own when misinterpreting the scriptures of the quran or koran Thet surely are a horrible example and representaion for us muslims may allah sow them the trur truth path and you as well

  27. I think the person doesnt know the meaning of humanity and if he does he would have not done such a shit, koran teaches the way that mankind should live their life in peace, humanity, helping poors. the zakat and fitrah in muslims are generated for the poor and needy persons which shows the greatness of islam.
