Monday, September 13, 2010

Pearcy Massacre? What Massacre?

by Nicholas Stix

My reader-researcher David in TN writes,

“There still haven't been any news updates about the Pearcy Massacre from the Arkansas media outlets.”

I wrote about the Pearcy Massacre in a February 9 frontpager, “Never Heard of the Pearcy Massacre? One Guess Why Not!”

There’s also no mention of it at Wikipedia under the five victims’ names, or under “Pearcy, Arkansas.” I guess it just never happened, and the five people I wrote about never lived, and thus were not the victims of a mass murder. Or they lived and died, but their lives and deaths just didn’t rate.

And to think, Steve Sailer has been insisting all these years that all demographic groups’ votes count the same! Now, he knows better!

2 + 2 = 5?

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 0?

1 comment:

  1. A trial just started in New Haven, Connecticut for a home invasion/robbery murder with some similarities to the Pearcy Massacre. Dr. William Petit's wife and two daughters were murdered by two career burglar druggie types in 2007.

    Unlike the Arkansas murders, the New Haven crime is receiving extensive coverage from the MSM. Each of the two suspects is getting a separate trial.

    David In TN
