Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama’s Auntie Zeituni, a Common Criminal, Says: You Owe Me Citizenship

By Nicholas Stix

“If I come as an immigrant, then you have the obligation to make me a citizen,” says this racist, third-world, criminal invader.

She did not come as an immigrant, but as a criminal, and we have no obligations to her whatsoever.

And I would add that the refusal of the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” to insist that she be immediately deported, when she was originally slated for deportation, constitutes yet another ground for his impeachment, because his refusal to insist that America’s immigration laws be enforced against his criminal aunt served to signal the immigration judiciary that she should be protected.

My VDARE colleague Matthew Richer has more on this criminal invader, in “Aunt Zeituni’s Immigrant Entitlement Complex.”

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