Thursday, February 25, 2010

Diversity is Strength: It’s Also Aliens Deliberately Spreading AIDS

[I copied this from American Renaissance, to whose crack staff I tip my cap.]

Police in Pirkanmaa suspects a nearly 30-year-old woman with intent to have had unprotected sex, even though she knew she was HIV positive. The suspected woman has worked as an erotic dancer in Tampere, Jyväskylä and Lahti.

The woman named Judith Omondi-Mäkelä, but has also used the name Rachel. She was born in 1982 and lives in Tampere. She must have had multiple sexual partners during the years 2005 to 2010. The woman is now in custody.

The investigations so far police have found the seven men who had sexual involvement with a woman, but police believe the men may be many more.

The police has released an image of the woman so that men who suspect they may be contaminated, becoming HIV-tested. The police point out that the men could float in danger and can also spread the infection to others.

The woman has consented to the picture published.

“Police Are Looking for HIV-Infected,” Swedish YLE, February 23, 2010.

[The text is a Google translation of a page from Swedish broadcasting that can be found here.]


  1. On the other hand she's a female, so unless she is having some really weird sex involving bleeding into someone's anus, I don't think there is much chance she will be able to spread it. Spreading AIDS from a female to another person through sex is rather difficult.


    Student admits hanging noose in library. Student's race not identified.

  3. I have to wonder, who the hell would have sex with her? She's repulsive.
