Saturday, February 20, 2010

Derek Black Interviews Jared Taylor

By Nicholas Stix

A reader sent along this link, for which I thank him. I listened to it, and if you just want to hear the Taylor radio interview, it's about 35 minutes in. Topic: Terrorists' success, through threatening to murder hotel personnel, at getting four hotels to cancel the American Renaissance 2010 Conference.

(For fuller background on the story, check out my report, “‘Obama’ and Holder are Victorious, as Communist and Anarchist Terrorists Use Death Threats to Shut Down American Renaissance Conference.”)

If you can stand it, after the interview is over, one of the terrorists, Jeffrey Imm, calls in. You can tell that it's him, because he never lets young Black get a word in edgewise, and--to borrow from what Mary McCarthy said of Lillian Hellman--every word he said was a lie, including "and," and "the." (Considering that I will soon be celebrating my annual 21st birthday, I suppose it doesn't make much sense to call 21-year-old Derek Black "young Black" ... moving right along...)

After a few minutes of Imm's ranting, raving, and ignoring of Black's polite questions, Black's producer comes in and whispers in Black's ear that Imm had been calling station employees, trying to get them to sabotage the very show whose time he was now wasting!

I suppose that Black figured that it was not only unintentionally hilarious--Imm clearly has no sense of humor or irony--but instructive to let the terrorist rant, rave, and lie for a while, in order to let the whole world know what he was like, before shutting him down.

Imm told his usual lie, reagarding the radio station, that he was merely informing station employees what Black was about. Right.

Hit this link for the interview.


  1. Hey Nicholas, i'm glad you're still around.

    Because you still haven't showed me any proof of the "death threat" quote existence besides the hearsay article from VDARE which has no attributable link to the quote to verify it.

    It's all right if you still want to believe that the hotels refused because they got death threats and not because they don't want to be perceived as racist or friendly to an organization which is perceived as racist.

    As long as you don't make up or spread lies to justify that belief.

    After all, people are only entitled to their own opinions not their own facts.



  3. Hey anonymous at February 20, 2010 10:43:00 PM EST.

    Here's another news from True Crime report:

    Nicholas Johansen, 18, Arrested in the Murder of Mom, Grandma; Women Were Missing Since June.

    That's an even more awful crime than the one you cited IMO.

  4. Hey LaLee, like all apologists for black criminality you can't comprehend the concepts of crime rate or likelihood of commiting a crime. You can write about crimes commited by whites all day long but blacks stiil more likely to commit a violent crime than any other group. There is a difference between absolute numbers and probability.But I don't expect you to understand it. You probably still think that all serial killers are white.

  5. "You can write about crimes commited (Sic) by whites all day long but blacks stiil (Sic) more likely to commit a violent crime than any other group."


    Can you give me a link to survey data from FBI or other studies which corroborate that statement?

    Nicholas hasn't given me any solid (As solid as cyber proof can get anyway) evidence of "death threats" which supposedly canceled the American Renaissance conference.

    Can you do better at providing proof which backed your statement?

    Oh and please don't tell me to look for it myself.

    It's your statement so the burden of proof is on you.

  6. I hope I got it right. I don't expect you to understand the data so I will do it for you: Blacks while only 12% of population commit 52% of all murders. Interracial murder and rape is overwhelmingly black on white. Do you want a proof for that too? I will find it for you.

  7. From the statistics even though according to the data there are more black offenders than white, the white homicide offenders outnumbers the blacks in term of quality (Or in this case the awfulness) of the crime.


    Intimate White 54.4% Black 43.4%

    Family White 59.2% Black 38.5%

    Infanticide White 55.4% Black 42.1%

    Eldercide White 54.5% Black 43.8%

    Which actually shows the opposite of your previous statement that "blacks stiil (Sic) more likely to commit a violent crime than any other group" IMO because as the statistics show the numbers of violent offenders against intimates, family, old people even children are dominantly white.

    In other words it seems to me based on the statistics even though there are more black violent offenders there is more probability that the white offenders would be more violent than the the black ones.

  8. No you didn't! Yes you did! As I said before you can't comprehend the concepts of crime rate and likelihood of commiting a crime. There is a difference between absolute numbers and probability. Blacks are 12% of population but committed 34% murders when there was an intimate relationship between offender and victim, 38.5% family, 42.1% infanticide,43.1% eldercide. I will repeat: 12% of population committed respectively 38.5%, 42.1% and 43.1% of specific types of murders. Who is more likely to commit this type of murder? And again: there is a difference between absolute numbers and probability. I will try a different approach with you: Every year more people are harmed by dogs than by sharks. Will you prefer swimming in shark infested waters to playing with a dog? "White homicide offenders outnumbers(Sic) the blacks in term of quality." What the hell was that? How can you outnumber in quality? Have you ever went to college? If yes, what was your major? Was it Black Studies? There is a book: Probability for dummies. Look it up. And what your exuse for interracial rapes? White on black rape is very rare but white rapists are more awful than black ones?

  9. LaLee,

    Think before writing your antiwhite diatribe. I'm so sick and tired of your antiwhite racist bigotry. Yes, Blacks do commit a lot of crime and you're excusing a lot of them because you want to date only Black men? Don't you? and create more criminals and racists who wouldn't hesitate to pull the race card, don't you?

    Think before you write, okay?


  10. "I will try a different approach with you: Every year more people are harmed by dogs than by sharks. Will you prefer swimming in shark infested waters to playing with a dog?"

    Actually your analogy proves my point IMO.

    Because in your analogy there are more attacks by dogs (Homicide offense by blacks) than there are by sharks (Homicide offense by whites).

    And yet i'm sure most people would still prefer to play with dogs than sharks even though there is more probability of an attack by them.

    As for what i mean with awfulness, it means that the victims of white homicide offense are more likely to be the weak and defenseless (Infanticide White 55.4% Black 42.1% and Eldercide White 54.5% Black 43.8%) as proven by the True Crime report i cited (Nicholas Johansen, 18, Arrested in the Murder of Mom, Grandma; Women Were Missing Since June.

    BTW Suzie, i'm not a woman but i wouldn't mind having a black girlfriend.

  11. In my analogy dogs were white and sharks were black but it doesn't matter anymore. You are either a troll or a moron or both. You still didn't say anything about interracial rapes.

  12. "In my analogy dogs were white and sharks were black but it doesn't matter anymore."

    Then you just discredit your own statement that "blacks stiil (Sic) more likely to commit a violent crime than any other group" IMO because your original analogy is:

    "I will try a different approach with you: Every year more people are harmed by dogs than by sharks."

    Now how could the dogs in analogy represents white when you said that "more people are harmed by dogs than by sharks" even though previously you stated that ""blacks stiil (Sic) more likely to commit a violent crime than any other group."

    If the dogs harmed more people then by the logic of your previous statement they should be representing blacks in your original analogy.

    "You still didn't say anything about interracial rapes."

    What's there to say?

    I'm neither a black man nor a white woman.

  13. My dogs and sharks anology was meant to show you that percentages you were quoting are meaningless without considerin the percentage of the offending group. I strongly recommend reading Probability for dummies. So you are neither a black man nor a white woman. Are you speaking in riddles now?

  14. "My dogs and sharks anology (Sic) was meant to show you that percentages you were quoting are meaningless without considerin (Sic) the percentage of the offending group."

    If that is your point then by that logic white people should be more weary of other white people especially if they are old people or have children IMO because even though there are less white homicide offenders, their offenses outnumbers the blacks offenders when it comes to infanticide and eldercide.

    Infanticide White 55.4% Black 42.1%

    Eldercide White 54.5% Black 43.8%

    "So you are neither a black man nor a white woman. Are you speaking in riddles now?"

    Not a riddle, just a statement of fact.

  15. LOL Blacks only commit 40% of horrible murders, therefore they're less dangerous than whites.

    Nevermind that they are only 12% of the population...

  16. The sad part is that black peoples own stupidity shields them from understanding their own group's amazing savagery.

  17. "LOL Blacks only commit 40% of horrible murders, therefore they're less dangerous than whites."

    Well, to use an analogy: There are more attack by dogs than rats IINM even though rats outnumbers dogs, yet i'm sure most people would feel more comfortable playing with dogs than rats.

    And dogs are less harmful to one's health than rats AFAIK.

  18. For most people emotional and social benefits of having a pet outweigh potential danger until it harms them. Some people never learn. Some breeds are practcally harmless, some breeds are not.I am sure that woman in Stanford were enjoying playing with her friend's chimp. She is disfigured for life. She probably wishes now that her friend had a pet rat.

  19. "I am sure that woman in Stanford were enjoying playing with her friend's chimp. She is disfigured for life. She probably wishes now that her friend had a pet rat."

    But aren't women perceived to be afraid of rats?

    Perhaps a dog would be a much better choice than either a rat or a chimp.

    After all even though there are more attacks by dogs on human than there are by rats or chimps, at least they are friendlier and cleaner IMO.

  20. Let's get back to the original subject. I said that black are more likely to commit a violent crime than any other group. You asked for a link. You got it. The data there can be interpreted only one way: Blacks commit disproportionate number of violent crimes relative to their share of population. Sorry it was over you head. It's not even your fault. Black Studies curriculum doesn't include math.

  21. "The data there can be interpreted only one way: Blacks commit disproportionate number of violent crimes relative to their share of population."

    Unless you're black then i think you have less to worry from them IMO.

    National Crime Victimization Survey

    Criminal Victimization, 2008
    September 2, 2009 NCJ 227777

    "With the exception of simple assault, blacks experienced higher rates
    than whites for every violent crime measured by the NCVS. Blacks also
    had higher rates than persons of other races (American Indian, Alaska
    Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islander) of overall
    violence and simple assault, and marginally higher rates of robbery and
    aggravated assault."

    And if you're white then perhaps you should be more careful with your own people IMO because the white homicide offenders victims are dominantly family, children and the elderly.


    Intimate White 54.4% Black 43.4%

    Family White 59.2% Black 38.5%

    Infanticide White 55.4% Black 42.1%

    Eldercide White 54.5% Black 43.8%

  22. "Unless you are black you have to less to worry from them" I wish. It's not what is going in my town. Now I understand why Nicolas usually don't argue with you. Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level.

  23. "Now I understand why Nicolas usually don't argue with you."

    Lack of solid evidence for his opinions and statements (As solid as cyber proof can be anyway)?

    FWIW at least you provide VALID attributable link which back your statement which is more than what Nicholas has provided for any of his opinions IMO.

    "Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level."

    But how else can the fool be exposed as, well, a fool?
