Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

By Nicholas Stix

The Pietrzaks were in a state of bliss. Once upon a time, they would have been legally barred from marrying, but no more. They had exercised their civil rights to wed only two months before, and had just bought a five-bedroom house off the foreclosure market. A pile of wedding thank-you cards sat on a table, ready to go out with the wedding pictures that would arrive any day, now.

Only the cards never went out. The next day, deputies found the Pietrzaks’ tortured corpses, when neither showed up for work.

The Pietrzaks were murdered in a hate crime, because of who they were. But the MSM won’t tell you about it.

Read the rest of the Winchester Atrocity story at


  1. Thanks so much for posting about this. I saw this in the news a couple of weeks ago and was just sickened by it. They looked like such a lovely, loving couple. I feel so sorry for their mothers/families. :-(

  2. Thanks, Mr. Stix. These murders were obviously racially motivated, and the MSM knows it. The story must be presented as devoid of meaning. Diane Sawyer said it's a mystery, so let's move on! Ooh look, Brangelina is adopting from Africa again!

  3. Not only is it tragic but sickening how the msm enables black racism instead of talking about it the same they talk of white racism... It may be the man bite dog rule but the msm is full of idiots and sociopaths...

  4. Thank you for blogging about the Pietrzak family. I've been blogging about this as well, and also have created an online memorial & support group to try to keep their names in the forefront. It seems to be a bit of a losing battle as ther are some who prefer to be in denial as to the nature of this crime, but as long as good people remain silent, bad people will prevail. Thank you for being one of the "good people" who are speaking up on behalf of Sgt & Mrs. Pietrzak and their families.

  5. Sure thing, Verity.

    "They looked like such a lovely, loving couple."

    They sure did. So many people in this world can't stand to see other people happy.

  6. Sure thing, Hespereia.

    "These murders were obviously racially motivated, and the MSM knows it. The story must be presented as devoid of meaning. Diane Sawyer said it's a mystery, so let's move on!"

    Back when this sort of thing caught fire in the early 1970s, through the Nation of Islam's racist mass murder campaign, law enforcement officials wrote condfidential memos about "motiveless murders."

    Eventually, the newspapers and TV news in California talked about the motive, but we've been moving backwards ever since.

    "Ooh look, Brangelina is adopting from Africa again!"

    You brought a smile to my face, for that is exactly how they operate.

  7. Quartermain said...

    "Not only is it tragic but sickening how the msm enables black racism instead of talking about it the same they talk of white racism..."

    They can't talk about both the same way, because the black racism is real, while the white racism is imaginary. (Not that there is no white racism, but the MSM promotes black race hoaxes, because they are in a partnership with the hoaxers. That's why the MSM know that they are promoting hoaxes, from the get-go. Real victims of white racism mean nothing to them, because the real victims are virtually never partners.)

    The reason they enable black racism is because they support it. White MSM "journalists" are themselves anti-white racists, though I think non-racial motivations are often primary: 1. Using blacks and Hispanics to fight their communist revolution for them, and/or 2. Class hatred against whites from the "lower orders."

    "It may be the man bite dog rule but the msm is full of idiots and sociopaths..."

    The latter clause is more important than the first. "Man bites dog" would be a reason to report on it. But with these people, it's just a pretext. They'll say, "man bites dog," or the opposite, that it's too common--they used both mutually contradictory rationalizations to justify not reporting on the Knoxville Horror--to reach the same conclusion. And who talks like that? "Idiots and sociopaths"!

  8. Sabrina said...

    "Thank you for blogging about the Pietrzak family...."

    Thank you, for all that you have done to keep this in the public's mind, in its reality.
