Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Leading Obama Supporter: "America" Must Pay Me to Stop Using the “N” Word

By Nicholas Stix

August 05, 2006

Illinois State Sen. James Meeks, who is pastor of Chicago’s Salem Missionary Baptist church, says he won’t use the “n”-word anymore, in public or private, but he has a condition: “America” must eliminate all inequality.

I guess that means that the Rev./Sen. Meeks plans on continuing to “drop ‘n’s.”

In a live, July 5 TV sermon, the Rev./Sen. Meeks, who is black, said that his political opponents are comprised variously of (black) “house n-----s” and (white) “slave masters.” Yes, the sermon was given in the year 2006. (TV hadn’t yet been invented in the 19th century.)

The Rev./Sen. Meeks, one of Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) closest and most powerful supporters, is unofficially running for mayor of Chicago against white, 17-year incumbent Richard M. (“Rich”) Daley, who is the son of late Mayor Richard J. Daley aka Da Mayor, who ruled the Windy City from 1955 until his death from a heart attack, in 1976. In the Rev./Sen. Meeks’ radio sermon, he was attacking the current Mayor Daley (“slave master”) and the latter’s black supporters (“house n-----s”), though he did not name names. As reported by the Chicago Sun-Times’ Fran Spielman,

In a July 5 speech broadcast live on cable television, Meeks compared white governors and white mayors who fail to bridge the achievement gap for black students to “slave masters.”

“The slave master never wants the slave to learn how to read and never wants the slave to learn how to write,” Meeks said. He went on to denounce black politicians and preachers who support those same white politicians as house “n - - - - - s.” Meeks did not specifically mention Daley or Gov. Blagojevich in the speech. But, he left little doubt whom he meant.

Now hold on, just a cotton pickin’ minute there! A powerful black preacher using the “n”-word during a TV sermon? A powerful black preacher using a radio sermon to attack his political opponents? A powerful black preacher who parlayed his religious influence into a political office, and continues to politically exploit his ministry for political gain?

(Not to mention, that it is black slave masters who are who are arresting black children’s intellectual development: Black politicians and principals, who ensure that incompetent, racist, and often semi-literate blacks are hired to teach black children, and black “educators” who refuse to teach black children Standard English, history, or science, feeding them instead a diet of slang (so-called Ebonics), fantasy history, and Nazi-style pseudo-biology.)

Hello? And this character is a Democrat? Remember those guys? You know, the ones who constantly scream about the “constitutional wall of separation between church and state”?

Never mind that there is no “constitutional wall of separation of church and state.” Democrats constantly claim there is, as a way of beating up on white, Christian Republicans, but if you take out your trusty pocket U.S. Constitution, you’ll see no mention of any such “wall” or “separation.” But nowadays, insistence on the existence of such a “constitutional wall of separation” is a Democrat article of faith.

And yet, black Democrats obsessively use churches for shameless political campaigning (something I’ve only recently begun to see done by some white evangelicals, largely in response to abuses by black Christian Democrats), yet I’ve never heard of a Democrat of any race castigating a black Democrat for such activity.

Using the pulpit is actually against the law, but is not in violation of the non-existent constitutional separation of church and state. It is rather a violation of federal election law, and the federal tax code, which grants houses of worship and other religious organizations tax-exempt status, provided their stewards refrain from using them for political activity. Thus, Salem Missionary Baptist should lose its tax-exempt status – in fact, it should have lost it years ago, along with thousands of other black churches. (The real question is, are there any black churches which haven’t been used as Democrat political operations?)

And while it isn’t illegal, and it isn’t something people talk about in public (because the MSM refuse to permit it to be discussed on the air or in their pages), the black tradition of openly exploiting the ministry for political gain is not only morally corrupt, and frequently leading to criminal corruption, but corrupt in a shamelessly crude, disgusting manner. Black folks don’t know this, so I’m going to let them in on something: Most white folks have been shaking their heads about this in private for generations. They don’t see parsons in bed with power as idols whom they are to worship, let alone make the objects of national holidays.

On the eve of the 2000 presidential election, Cong. Jesse Jackson Jr. announced on the radio show Nashville This Morning, that the nation’s election and tax laws do not apply to blacks.

[Host Steve] GILL: Let me ask you about this. It's against IRS regulations for politicians to campaign from the pulpit. Why are these politicians campaigning in black churches?

[Cong. Jesse Jackson Jr.]: I'm not totally convinced that's true in the African-American community. Certainly there's a separation of church and state. But in our community there's little distinction between our religion and our politics. ... And so in many African-American churches born out of experience in this country, the role of the churches has evolved into a very, very active political institution which has been very effective for a number of causes in the black community.

[Host Terry] HOPKINS: And that supersedes the law?

JACKSON: Absolutely. Oh, absolutely.

The national media refused to report on the story; only Newsmax carried it. As I wrote on 16 November 2000, the Chicago newspapers were apparently closed for an election-eve vacation, and the New York Times didn't find it “fit to print.”

Yours truly did a follow-up, calling Nashville This Morning producer, Patrick Hennessy, who assured me, “It's word for word on Newsmax. That's exactly what he said. We've got it on tape.”

Hennessy continued, “It was a Monday. Al Gore had been politicking in black churches,” which set the stage for co-host Steve Gill's question. “What got us, was when he said, ‘Absolutely. Oh, absolutely.’”

Imagine if a white politician said that the laws of the land don’t apply to whites. Page one. Lead story on the TV news. For a week. The NAACP would camp out in front of his office, until congress officially censured him.

What happened to Jackson Jr.? Nothing, of course.

If you told the average non-black person that black leaders think the laws of the land don’t apply to them, he’d respond, “Duh!,” or suchlike.

Six years later, it’s still business as usual with black politician-preachers, only now they are violating federal law on live cable TV. I believe the word is “cheeky.” How about this slogan for the Reverend-Senator’s next radio sermon: “Vote for me and my comrades, or you’ll burn in hellfire!”

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