Monday, January 21, 2008

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day

By Nicholas Stix
Last updated on Wednesday, January 23, 10:11 p.m.

What is the proper fashion in which to commemorate the birthday of the man whom King biographer Michael Eric Dyson has called “the greatest American who ever lived,” and who is the only American to have a national holiday in his honor? We could begin by recalling wherein the man’s greatness obtained.

• He was one of the greatest intellectual frauds in American history, having stolen his Ph.D. by plagiarizing 33 percent of the doctoral dissertation, from three years earlier, of Boston University classmate Jack Stewart Boozer, and having routinely plagiarized other men’s words in his speeches and writings, and having then copyrighted his thefts. The King cult has made an incalculable contribution to the destruction of academic standards, particularly where blacks are concerned;

• He was one of the greatest adulterers in American history, having literally had a girl (many girls, actually) or a prostitute (no disrespect to working girls intended) in every port;

• He was a great friend to communists everywhere, especially those bearing gifts of cash, and could not have done his work or even have delivered many of his speeches without communist aides and speechwriters, such as Stanley Levison and Hunter “Jack” O’Dell. On April 30, 1967, he gave a treasonous speech intended to give aid and comfort to the murderous North Vietnamese communists, in which he recited communist talking points (and which was likely written by a communist) that reversed the respective roles of America and communist North Vietnam. King told no fewer than six lies: 1. That blacks were being sent to Vietnam to fight and die in disproportionate numbers (it was whites who disproportionately bore the burden); 2. That America was guilty of racism, of murdering “little brown Vietnamese children” (it was the communists who were murdering the children, but they were King’s allies, so they were blameless); 3. That America was “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today” (a tip o’ the hat to VDARE’s James Fulford); 4. That communist, North Vietnamese dictator Ho Chi Min was a benevolent, freedom-loving, old soul, while South Vietnam was ruled by totalitarian monsters; 5. That American was waging war not on communist North Vietnam on behalf of the South Vietnamese people, but on the entire Vietnamese people, whom it was oppressing; and 6. That the South Vietnamese people, whom King refused to distinguish from their communist enemies, “consider us, not their fellow Vietnamese, the real enemy”;

• He contributed to the degradation of the black church to a partisan political organization that routinely violates the tax laws, and violates the very “constitutional principle” of the “separation of church and state” (never mind that no such principle exists in the constitution) that supporters of the King cult ruthlessly and one-sidedly impose on white Christians;

• He was America’s greatest orator, and did something that to my knowledge, no other major American orator has done. Whereas politicians typically wait for a later speech to contradict what they have claimed to be all that is near and dear to them, King accomplished this feat in the same, “I Have a Dream” speech. At different points in the speech, he both called on America to be guided by the principle of color-blindness, and to impose race-specific policies granting welfare and reparations programs to blacks. Thus did MLK contribute more than any other American to the degradation of oratory;

• He was the most celebrated leader of the so-called civil rights movement, more appropriately called the black rights movement, which through verbal legerdemain took something that is the inheritance of every legal American citizen—civil or constitutional rights—and made it the private property of blacks, including blacks that aren’t even citizens;

• He undermined the rule of law in general, as something that only whites must obey, but which must serve blacks, and particularly the principle, enshrined in the 14th Amendment of equality under the law. The 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act, which his cultists credit him with getting enacted, has served to relegate whites to the status of second-class citizens; and

• By his own admission, he deliberately used the so-called principle of non-violence to incite violence.

One way to celebrate MLK Day would be plagiarize and copyright another writer’s words, as King did, and extort those who quote those words into paying one exorbitant sums, as his heirs did. Did you know, for instance, that I am the author of the following words?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Another way to celebrate MLK would be to commit adultery with one’s neighbor’s wife.

One could celebrate communists (of course, we already do that every day in today’s America, though we usually don’t know it).

One could go to a political rally at a black church, though if one is white, one might not be welcome.

One could give a fork-tongued speech.

One could abuse at least one white person. For instance, if you see righteously indignant members of the oppressed beating a white oppressor (if you’ll pardon the redundancy), you could engage in the New York pastime of joining with the oppressed, and then telling the police that the oppressor had in fact attacked the oppressed, and get him arrested.

But in whichever way you choose to celebrate the birthday of “the greatest American who ever lived,” remember to keep it real, and in the spirit of MLK.


  1. PERFECT. I was just about to post a bunch of what you said, but you summarized it better.

    However, I did leave a comment at:
    M.L. King Ally Says U.S. Holiday an Insult


  2. This is good, i think that we shoud be educated on the Real MLK and who he was. You notice they don't teach you this at school.

  3. Excellent post, I think we need to learn a lot of thing about this intellectual, Martin Luther King isn't a legend, he's a real dream, a real matter and also a real speech in our minds. Most of the students are reading about him, and his history, so I agree with this celebration. We don't need the "standards", we just need more justice and human rights around the world.
