Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Barry Bonds Fan Says Writer Has "Put the Black Man Through So Much Suffrage"

By Nicholas Stix

The following letter came on May 12 from a linguistically, morally, and mentally-challenged Barry Bonds fan. The fan was responding, after her fashion, to my column, "Barry Bonds, Racist." And no, I did not make this up.

Subject: Barry Bonds

You are an idiot. Why are you trying to convince the american public that Barry Bonds is a bad guy. Why don't you waist your energy on real journalism. Write about important issues, like the war on Iraq, and leave Barry Bonds alone.

I don't blame Barry Bonds for thinking that way about White America. Face it you racist idiot. You have put the black man through so much suffrage that they hate your guts.

Why don't you mention that Babe Ruth was a drunk, womanizer, abondoned his adopted children, ate everything in sight. Your article sounds so hypocritical. Let it go. Just because Barry doesn't want to be your friend, you don't have to badmouthed him that way.

And why wasn't steroids a big issue when McGuire did it? Let me guess. Was he white? And in a society where the government is shoving drugs down are throat, your article is so ridiculous. As if this country does not do drugs. Please.

Angry Citizen.

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