Monday, May 15, 2006

Barry Bonds and Babe Ruth:
A Major, New Article

By Nicholas Stix

"Barry Bonds is black. Babe Ruth was white.

"Now that we have that established, we can tune into the national discussion that has been ongoing for some time now regarding Bonds' pursuit of the Bambino's spot on the all-time home-run list.

"And you had thought it was all about the two players' places in the history books....

“Freelance columnist Nicholas Stix takes the argument a few steps further – ‘Barry Bonds manufactured this as an expression of his own racial hatred. And then what he found is that any black who does this immediately has an echo chamber of both racist blacks and white helpers who have this obsession of helping racist blacks and hurting whites,’ Stix told the AFP.”

The above-quoted excerpts are from the thought-provoking, wide-ranging article, "Barry and the Babe - the debate rages on," by Chris Graham, in the Augusta Free Press, which Graham and his wife, Crystal, edit and publish. Graham interviewed people on all points of the political and racial divides.

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