Tuesday, May 23, 2023

uc berkeley hosts illegal, black-only graduation

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tue, may 23, 2023 9:37 a.m.

uc berkeley hosts black-only graduation
My sister-in-law earned her PhD at uc berkeley, and post-doc at harvard.
I hope she is suitably embarrassed over this farce.
Probably not.
As she is a liberal.
african American studies?
The ultimate short, short course?


  1. "I gadguated," texted one black.

    "I got my deegre,"wrote another.


  2. If it's "illegal" (?), it shouldn't be. Blacks should be segregated, best would be in some other country on another continent (Africa maybe?). So if they want to self-segregate here as a kind of practice, then let 'em.

    1. Except THEY want to call the shots--when,where,why and how.Have a graduation that's all black,but go home to a(previously)all White neighborhood that they've ruined--while Whites have no say about any of it


  3. The nee-grows want to voluntarily separate themselves. Segregation if done voluntarily and acceptable to all sounds reasonable. Let their a gentleman's agreement that the government will not interfere and all should be good to go.
