Thursday, May 04, 2023

'Beat a B***h up'- Deranged Pregnant Passenger Viciously Assaults Airline Employee – Passenger 'Smelled of Alcohol' and Previously Threatened a Gate Agent (VIDEO)

Thu, May 4, 2023 10:24 pm
'Beat a B***h up'- Deranged Pregnant Passenger Viciously Assaults Airline Employee – Passenger 'Smelled of Alcohol' and Previously Threatened a Gate Agent (VIDEO)

Hi, I thought you might enjoy reading this article I just came across: 'Beat a B***h up'- Deranged Pregnant Passenger Viciously Assaults Airline Employee – Passenger 'Smelled of Alcohol' and  Previously Threatened a Gate Agent (VIDEO)
More domestic extremism?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drinking heavily while pregnant? And then when the kid comes out with fetal alcohol syndrome the taxpayer ends up paying for the kids treatments for life.