Friday, September 23, 2022

florida primate cut throat attack caught on video/sexual psychopathic editing spreads

By A Colleague
Sent: Thu, Sep 22, 2022 2:29 p.m.

florida primate cut-throat attack caught on video

Don't get old in this country...this is who our 'caretakers' have become.
In Lee County, FL, a dusky "caretaker" stabbed a White guy he was apparently being paid to assist more than 40 times. Note the sloppy editing of this report. Under one of the photographs,  we read that "they [should have been "he" I believe] underwent emergency surgery." The victim is reportedly still alive "although their [shouldn't it be "his"?] condition isn't certain."


1 comment:

  1. "Suddenly,he attacked the man."That's how blacks commit their crimes--"suddenly" and without warning(or thinking).Perfect example of sociopathic behavior--which blacks have a stranglehold on--so to speak.

