Tuesday, February 01, 2022


By A.L.
Tue, Feb 1, 2022 11:48 p.m.


Persons from India froze to death while trying to illegally enter the USA. People smuggler bad guy a naturalized citizen from Jamaica.

Worse, the smuggler bad guy was released without bail! Should be charged with 3rd degree murder. Taking action he should not have that resulted in the death of others.

Adding insult to injury? This bad guy is part and parcel of a criminal activity that resulted in the death of four persons. I must be getting old.

That image of Shand the people smuggler the best I can find.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the man is part of a network of smugglers? Part of an ongoing racketeering conspiracy? That can be a federal case [it already is smuggling people across the border] with the possibility of the death penalty for Shand. I realize that will never happen but it should.
