Saturday, January 01, 2022

Parent Finds Numerous Grammatical Errors in Letter from Negro Virginia Teachers Union President

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Fri, Dec 31, 2021 4:05 p.m.


  1. Brains AND a contender to win the "Maxine Waters Beauty Contest".
    She has it all.


  2. jerry pdx
    This is my favorite part of the letter:

    “While lunch mitigation plans may have worked in fall weather, APS is embarking on a system wide super-spreader event during the first cold and/or rainy days upon return. Indoor lunch, even among asymptomatic students and staff are significant risks (and one risk too many). At this time APS has no efficient way to mitigate consistently, against the highly transmissible omicron variant.”

    I can be wary about mocking somebody too much on grammar because I make plenty of mistakes of my own when posting comments, though it's mostly due to dashing these off quickly and carelessly, not bothering to proofread or just playing loose with grammatical rules, as we all do in comments fields. If I compose a memo at work, there's not a comma out of place but this woman clearly doesn't grasp even basic grammar. I get a few errors here and there but more than questionable literacy, this woman's writing demonstrates the poor reasoning skills and childish logic so common among blacks. I can only imagine what it must be like to be a White person sitting in a meeting with this affirmative action hire as she painfully tries to work through problems, yet you can say nothing, or you might be raiiiciist...

  3. "We had to talk your way for four hundred years. Now it is our turn to talk our way for four hundred years." Ya'll.

    Most union officials are not even really trade union WORKERS anyhow. Never been a carpenter, plumber, etc. Or a teacher?

  4. jerry pdx
    Ocasio-Cortez claims that Republicans are mad because "they can't date her":

    Full of herself much?

    She's responding to comments about a photo of her very White boyfriends very White feet. Occasional Cortex claims it's some kind of sexual fixation on her but I think the comment was alluding to the fact that she's a White hating racist with a sexual fixation on White men.
