Saturday, October 23, 2021

Brief Video: When You Start Your New Job as a Cinematographer, and Alec Baldwin Shows Up on Set

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. Don Rickles,on the "Afterlife Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson last night--talking about Alec Baldwin:

    "I mean,for 40 years,John Wayne made Westerns--with thousands upon thousands of fake gunshots--and no injuries.Alec Baldwin makes one Western and it sounds like five minutes in Chicago--one dead,one injured.

    "I hear the name of the movie was "Rust".Was that the condition of the gun--or Baldwin's brain?

    Carson"Sounds like BOTH."

    Rickles:"This isn't a quiz,but hey--it's your show.But I hear ABC will not be bringing Baldwin back to host "Match Game"--they decided to replace him with someone a little safer--El Chapo."


    (DailyMail)The gun that killed filmmaker Halyna Hutchins was a Colt pistol, has exclusively learned.

    Alec Baldwin was handling the vintage gun on the set of Rust in Santa Fe, New Mexico, when it accidentally discharged – killing Hutchins, 42, and wounding director Joel Souza.

    According to a call sheet obtained by, Baldwin was taking part in a mock gunfight inside the church building on the Bonanza Ranch film set when Hutchins was hit.

    Co-stars Jensen Ackles, Swen Temmel and Travis Hammer were also in the scene – numbered 121 - alongside Baldwin’s stunt double Blake Teixeira and stunt coordinator Allan Graf.

    Production notes show the Colt pistol was one of several weapons on set at the time but the only one used in 121 and the preceding 118.

    Filming had been due to continue with a scene that showed Baldwin being thrown into a stagecoach but it was halted following the accident.

    Further scenes featuring Baldwin and Ackles had been scheduled for today and over the weekend but have now been postponed indefinitely.

    GRA:Jensen Ackles,who was in one of the best series of the last 25 years("Supernatural")is mentioned as being a co-star of the movie "Rust"."Supernatural" had a recurring theme about the original Colt pistol having the power to kill anything--alive or dead.

    Not the original,but still...



    (ABC-7)A woman was accidentally killed Saturday morning in McKinley Park on the Southwest Side.

    The 35-year-old woman was at a party in the 3700 block of South Wood Street about 12:30 a.m. when she was shot in the face after her boyfriend's gun accidentally went off, Chicago police said.

    She was taken to Stroger Hospital, where she was pronounced dead, police said. Her name hasn't been released yet.

    Her boyfriend was taken into custody by police.

    GRA:Answer:Probably for warrants outstanding on the Chicago j-boo.



    See the case of Jan Erik Hexum.


    Get ready to match the stars(?):"Dead"George Floyd,Ben Crump,Maxine Waters,Caroline Rhea,RuPaul and Hilaria Baldwin--as we play "Match Game 2021".Now here's the star of Match Game 2021,Gene Rayburn.
    "Thank you again Johnny Olsen,we're back to continue the game we started last time.We were in the middle of a question to our first contestant,when time ran out.The question was,Alec Baldwin shot two people on a movie set.When he was asked about it,he said,'I think I'd better get a (blank).' Refresh our memory(to female contestant),you said:
    "A lawyer".
    Rayburn:Right,okay let's go to our celebrities,we have 4 negroes,a fat,washed up White actress and Alec Baldwin's wife with us today---slim pickins. "Dead" George Floyd,what did you say to 'When Alec Baldwin was asked about the shooting he said,"I think I'd better get a (blank).'

    Floyd:I think I'd better get(flips card over)another supply of heroin to overdose on.
    Rayburn:No,that's what YOU'D say--probably to any situation--not a match.Ben Crump?Alec Baldwin said,I think I'd better get...

    Crump:(flips card over)A guilty nigga to hit the black lottery with.(BUZZZ)

    Rayburn:You blacks aren't playing the game correctly.It isn't what YOU'D say,it's what Alec Baldwin would say.Maxine Waters?I think I'd better get a...

    Maxine:A new mirror--cuz the ones I look into,the glass breaks all the damn time.(BUZZZ)
    Rayburn:No,again--you needed to think as if you were Alec Baldwin.Caroline Rhea--our fat White chick of the bunch.Any hope of a correct answer?
    Rhea:(flips card)Lawyer.(applause)

    Rayburn:Well done.RuPaul--whoever you are.What's your answer to Alec Baldwin said,"I think I'd better get..."
    RuPaul:(flips card)An AIDS test.(BUZZZ)

    Rayburn:No--not a match. Mrs.Alec Baldwin,what did you say to, Alec Baldwin shot two people on a movie set.When he was asked about the shooting he replied,"I think I'd better get..."
    Hilaria Baldwin:(flips card)A divorce lawyer--see you in court,honey.

    Rayburn:Judges?Can we accept divorce lawyer?(DING).Yes,we CAN!So two matches--not bad.

    We move to our next contestant,but we only have enough time to read you the question and we'll finish this up tomorrow. President Biden was standing naked in the Lincoln bedroom,when he blurted out to Mrs.Biden:"Lady,could you help me--I can't seem to find my(blank)?
    (audience laughs)
    We'll continue this next time on Match Game.Good night everyone.

