“Not counting the crimes, crime is down.” Grand Rapids Anonymous
Fauci’s Institute Funded "Deadly & Unnecessary" Experiments on Dogs, Animal Research Watchdog Says —
RT USA News https://www.rt.com/usa/531275-fauci-experiments-beagles-abuse/
Put Fauci to sleep or lock him in a place similar to kennel.--GRA
Hideous and unnatural experiments of Fluffy and Muffy. That will create the most bad-will against Fauci. His days surely are numbered now. Hurt a human, no big deal. Hurt a dog and look out.
Put Fauci to sleep or lock him in a place similar to kennel.
Hideous and unnatural experiments of Fluffy and Muffy. That will create the most bad-will against Fauci. His days surely are numbered now. Hurt a human, no big deal. Hurt a dog and look out.