Sunday, April 25, 2021

Why Would I Want to Watch the Oscars? Part 3

[Re: “It’s Oscar Night! Can You Recognize Any of These Best Picture Nominees? (I Can’t); Another Night of Oscars to Avoid”; and

“Why Would I Want to Watch the Oscars? Part 2.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 1:02:00 A.M. EDT

GRA: Best Actress. Though Carey Mulligan is the favorite (for which movie, I have no clue), why do I think Davis gets it for being a negress? Mulligan and Kirby are British actresses, while Day is a blackie. Day could upset, as Whitey has very little chance. But why watch?

Viola Davis
Carey Mulligan
Frances McDormand
Vanessa Kirby
Andra Day



Of Related Interest:

“It’s Oscar Night! Can You Recognize Any of These Best Picture Nominees? (I Can’t); Another Night of Oscars to Avoid”;

“Why Would I Want to Watch the Oscars? Part 2”;

Whitelash at the “blackest Oscars of All Time”?; and

“hollywood oscars Really Suck [as if We Didn’t Know], Hails Chauvin’s ‘guilty’ Verdict.”



  1. jerry pdx
    And why did I just watch 60 Minutes? They did a feature on the Chauvin case where one of the 60 Min. talking sock puppets interviewed a racist black man who was somehow involved, I'm not sure who he was because I missed the beginning but I didn't miss the softball questions from the white interviewer and predictable disingenuous responses. The only question of any consequence he asked was if George Floyd bore any responsibility for what happened, the black interviewee immediately began to pontificate about the "history of police" violence letting the interviewer know that if he went any farther with those question it would turn into "300 years oppression". Pointless, idiotic interview, but typical of 60 Minutes nowadays, it's nothing but a globalist propaganda outlet that gives viewers a false impression of feeling intellectual just for watching it. No, if anything, you're IQ is lower for it.

  2. jerry pdx
    Airport fight...the usual suspects. Fight went on for minutes with no sign of airport security, I wonder if they held back due to the race of the combatants. Note the white beta soy boy in the background helplessly shouting: "Stop, just stop you're killing her":
    Did he really think his pleading was going to have the slightest effect on them?
    Check out the comments, some of the funniest stuff I've read.


    GRA:Shocking to say the least.Anthony Hopkins and Frances McDormand are allowed to win and Nomadland wins best picture.

    Other notes:Harrison Ford now looks like Lloyd Bridges in "Airplane".
    Glenn Close now resembles Cloris Leachman.

    A black host chose Close to play a "name that tune" bit and she supposedly "knew" a nig song called "The Butt".The nig asked her to dance it--she did--humiliating herself and the nig--who sounded like Kevin Hart--responded:"This is the blackest Oscars of ALL TIME."

    True,until the very end.A little Whitelash with the major awards?Difficult to say,but I was surprised.

    What I saw of the proceedings was unwatchable.What torture I endure for NSU.


  4. I believe that was Keith Ellison and I heard it too."None of it was Floyd's fault,"he said.

