Saturday, February 20, 2021

Another National Racism Crisis: blacks are the Least Desirable on Dating Apps!

By "W"
Sat, Feb 20, 2021 12:39 p.m.

Another Crisis: blacks are the Least Desirable on Dating Apps

"W": Who could have guessed? Reportedly true for hetero and homo congoids:



  1. "...the belief that black woman are innately unruly and bad tempered." I wonder where that idea came from --maybe from all the videos of black women going ape and trashing fast food joints? Plus, the only black women who are attractive are those who have a heavy dose of White in their gene pool. And everyone is familiar with the "large and in charge" black woman--with an enormous butt and an attitude to match. Find this species wherever government employees deal with the public--motor vehicle departments, etc.

  2. Really?Why would THESE ADS not receive interest?
    SbP=Single black Parolee
    SbA=Single black Absconder

    #346345-SBP 32,no job,8 keeds,smarrt.DWF*wanted.
    *Dumb White Female.

    #1000765-SbA 27,WF needed for murder fantasy fulfillment.Hemofiliacs(sic)preferred.

    #45487765-SbA 24,in search of cozy,rent free crib til the heat's off.Only 300 lb WF respond.

    #69696969-SbP 35,just released from the big house cuz I cut up my ho GF.Wasn't my fault--White bit*h made me mad.Will answer all fine WFs--except my P.O.

    #2456750-SbMM* 42,for very short term relationship--5 minutes should be enough time.Scarves and turtlenecks are a turn off.
    *Single black Mass Murderer.

    #9998875-SbA 25,I'm covered with tattoos and scars from bulletholes--otherwise,average.WF with quick accelerating car needed to drive me to and from various local banks--especially FROM.

    (All blacks on this dating site are assumed to be drug dealers,armed and dangerous.)

