Sunday, August 09, 2020

Yahoo News: Our goal is to help Joe Biden win the election. In order to achieve that goal, we are temporarily suspending article commenting

By Nicholas Stix

The exact statement by Yahoo News follows.

“Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience.”

The statement followed a story on the racist hate crime attack by a black female on a much older, White woman, in which the black female broke her leg inside a Hackensack, NJ, Staples store on July 29, after the white women told the black female to put her mask on. (New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has mandated that everyone wear a mask covering their mouth and nose when in stores. The racist, black attacker apparently assumed that said legal rule only applies to Whites.)


Anonymous said...

He's GOING to win the election.Afterwards,will all media continue to ignore black on white crime--as if Trump won? They'll have their victory,but I still don't understand--how THEY don't understand--that the strategy of censoring everything truthful,destroys THEM in the long run.
Dense doesn't begin to describe their "fogged up" thought process.

jeigheff said...

Greetings Anonymous,

They think they're on the winning side and won't suffer any consequences.

They're like the people who have put up BLM signs in their yards in our soon-to-be former neighborhood in Austin. They believe their signs will protect them when the mob comes. I don't think so. The houses with BLM signage will probably be the first ones to be attacked, just for laughs.