Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Congoid Group Behavior

By "W"
Tue, Aug 11, 2020 2:22 p.m.

Congoid Group Behavior

"W": Note the group photo from last Sunday. New York City Congoids not wearing masks, not social distancing while beating up an 11-year-old female nog after a basketball game. So, if the Chinabug spreads among them, is the next headline going to be about how Whites are not protecting blacks enough? Very likely. And the cops are blamed for not intervening in this regular incident in the black community. Why risk getting targeted for a rough response? Why expose yourself to the Chinabug or other diseases common among Congoids?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Apologies - this was mistakenly posted in the story UNDER this proper one):

There was a far worse example of blacks ignoring the virus (must be a 'white conspiracy') this past Sunday, when thousands assembled in Brooklyn's Prospect Park for a socially-media driven party/rave.
A photo in the Post shows hundreds of blacks on the main lawn - not a mask in sight.
They left the park a total and complete shambles - trash everywhere, like marking your territory: 'we was here!'
Poetic justice for the VERY high rent brownstone neighborhoods that face the park on all sides: you can't spit at any of these townhouses for less than $10 million cash.
Looks like 'their' chickens are coming home to roost, perhaps a little to close (and too frequently) for comfort.
I suspect a few more weeks of this, and VERY many For Sale signs will start appearing: even for this Brooklyn Leftist-Elite, they too have only so much forbearance for the monkeyshines.

From video seen last night of another BLM-sanctioned harassment-mission - stomping, lasering, and bullhorning their way through even more TONY Arlington, VA - this seems to be the new tactic, as police are now chasing them out of city-centers.
By definition, one of their long-stated goals is 'to make whites feel uncomfortable', presumably for their many, unforgivable sins.