Thursday, April 16, 2020

Protesters in MAGA Hats and Flying Confederate Flags Swarm Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming, New York and Virginia to Demonstrate "tyrannical" and "unconstitutional" Lockdown Orders that are "worse than the virus"

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Apr 16, 2020 10:27 p.m.
Subject: Protesters in MAGA hats and flying Confederate flags swarm Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming, New York and Virginia to demonstrate 'tyrannical' and 'unconstitutional' lockdown orders that are 'worse than the virus'

"Protesters gather in Utah to end state's shutdown."

Protesters have continued to gather across the United States, ignoring social distancing rules to demonstrate against lockdown orders they call "tyrannical" and "worse than the virus."

The South shall rise again!

Update, 3:40 p.m. A colleague writes:

"Anyone with a weapon is described as 'heavily armed.'

"Have you *ever* heard a paper say someone was 'lightly armed'?"


    GRA:Breitbart quoted witless Whitmer as saying,"I've not often seen a Confederate flag at the state capitol,it was a political--not policy--protest and flies in the face of safety guidelines.These people are going to go back to RURAL PARTS OF OUR STATE (capitalized by me)and possibly spread the virus to other people."
    This insinuates white people of course,but Whitmer ignores the massive examples of the "black community's " failure to obey simple safety guidelines in every ghetto neighborhood in our state (and country).
    I've witnessed it personally,while driving to a grocery store,large groups of blacks congregating on porches and sidewalks,on various streets I pass by.
    Then the media talks about disparity of black cases of coronavirus vs whites.
    Disparity my ***,it's STUPIDITY--by blacks--THAT'S what's causing larger percentages of blacks to be infected with COVID-19.That fact is ignored,while whites protesting
    her policies,receive a full political attack by Whitmer--figures.
    She's learned the Democratic party tactic of lying and prevaricating very well,


  2. The South and just about the rest of the country. I hope it does not come to violence.
