Friday, August 02, 2019

Some Wisdom from John Derbyshire on Demographics

By An Old Friend
Fri, Aug 2, 2019 2:50 a.m.

Some Wisdom from John Derbyshire

Supermajority" is, or ought to be, a key word in any discussion of nationalism. For a stable, easygoing, open society under rational non-corrupt government you want a racial, and probably also ethnic, supermajority—ninety percent or more is the ideal, with no more heterogeneity in the supermajority than Switzerland's. Even then, while supermajority is a necessary condition, it's not a sufficient one: monoethnic societies can be fractious, civil wars can happen.

The supermajority is also a necessary condition—though again, not a sufficient one—for easygoing tolerance of racial minorities. (A friend of mine, telling me about the year he'd just spent in Japan, burbled that: "They actually like foreigners!")

Mid-20th-century England, where I grew up, was blessed with a racial and ethnic supermajority. There had been no major demographic change since the Anglo-Saxon settlements of the fifth century. (You could count the 9th-century Viking settlements, I guess; but the Vikings were genetic cousins to the Anglo-Saxons.) The destruction of that supermajority by decades of mass immigration has been an act of colossal folly.

Social harmony and national solidarity are never easily won, but with an ethnic supermajority they can be won. With a demography that is twenty percent this, thirty percent that, ten percent this, fifteen percent that, … they can't. All that gets won is endless tribal bickering.


Anonymous said...

Long time ago liberals used to tout Yugoslavia, Lebanon and Sri Lanka as examples of ethnic harmony that Americans should study and emulate. All that gone long time ago and with slaughter. Mixing different peoples together in one spot and you have disaster. A few exotic here and there is OK. But one the exotic is more than an exotic watch out.

Anonymous said...

...and crime (much of which originates from the enviousness of the lower IQ'd immigrants against the higher IQ'd,higher incomed indigenous citizens).
I see that once again there is someone else that has thought up the same basic concept about immigration that I have i.e:"there should be no draining of the top talent of other countries--they need it over there.They should stay and think up ways to save their own lands."
My exact viewpoint is that we cannot allow the entire world to come into the United States.
One:The space is limited.The big cities--where 95% of immigrants go--are already in decay from the previous inflow of foreigners and OUR underachieving,worthless BLACKS.The cities cannot handle any more.Two)If the immigrants are leaving their countries-because their countrymen are so rotten(corrupt,poor,uneducated,lazy)what does that say about the qualities they are bringing with them to our cities?
Not much.By association,though they might think they are better than the "evil ones" they left behind,they are basically not any different at all--maybe even worse--for they have quit on their own country--by running away.
Plus when they get here,they are so out of their element--with language,education and cultural problems--crime is about the only way to survive.Better to stay home and make a stand for improving your own country,rather than coming here and ruining ours.
Or DON'T improve your own country--your choice--just don't ruin ours.
--GR Anonymous