Thursday, August 01, 2019

Post-Germany: About that Eritrean Rapefugee, Who Shoved a Young German Boy onto Train Tracks to His Death? In 2017, He was Celebrated as a Model "Migrant"

By R.C.

An Eritrean migrant facing murder charges after allegedly pushing a young boy onto train tracks in Frankfurt, Germany, was featured in a 2017 brochure promoting successful migrant integration in Switzerland.

N.S.: So, the best "migrant" is the murdering scum of the Earth. Good to know. Now, all the Verfassungsschutz (Constitutional Police) need do is arrest anyone who brings this up.

"Migrant Suspected of Pushing Boy Onto Tracks Was Featured in Brochure Celebrating Integration" -

An Eritrean migrant facing murder charges after allegedly pushing a young boy onto train tracks in Frankfurt, Germany, was featured in a 2017 brochure promoting successful migrant integration in Switzerland. Habte Araya, 40, was "pictured in 2017 by the Swiss labour agency which had found him a job, and gave

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