Saturday, December 20, 2014

Racist Blacks Celebrate Assassination of Two NYPD Cops Today

I thank Dr. Doran for sending me this screen shot.


  1. Another million years of evolution won't change the savage. RIP for two good guys. God Bless NYPD.

  2. Only 14% of this once great country( % stands for percent,and also means 14 out of every 100 people in the US) of the population is black,bring it on.

  3. I am anonymous because of cowards like Brinsley

  4. Damn,now all the Asians and Hispanics are gonna riot and loot. Oh,wait a minute,black are the only ones that do that.

  5. Every ethnicity in the US started poor living mainly in cities. Every ethnicity improved themselves with hard work and FAMILY. Why do so many millions of AMERICAN africans do nothing but blame the white devil for their shortcomings. Asians,people from India,Italians,Irish,the list goes on and on and on,don't blame anybody but rather live respectable lives. My wife works with a "brother" who brags that he has 10 children from 10 different women. WTF! This and similiar feats(not feets) show exactly what is dumbing down the poor black race. What is the percent of black"families" actually have a father present. Why do these examples exist time and time again. I would be ashamed to be black. I speak the truth. Let the games begin.

  6. What an idiot,he couldn't even get it right and shoot white cops. Hahahahahahahahahahaha,DUH
