Friday, May 06, 2011

Colleges Court Straight Students with E-Mail and Dance Parties

By Nicholas Stix
Colleges Court Straight Students With E-Mail and Dance Parties
By Sara Lipka

As the population of openly straight applicants becomes more visible, admissions offices are stepping up efforts to make these prospective students feel welcome.

The Chronicle of Higher Education
, May 1, 2011 (but also the lead story in today’s CHE.

Just kidding. I replaced the word “gay” in the title and e-mail teaser with “straight.” CHE disingenuously makes it sound like colleges were simply responding to homosexuals’ open flaunting of their sexuality, as if they rushed to make any and every identifiable group feel “welcome,” which is nonsense on stilts. When conservative students come out, colleges use that as an opening to terrorize them. Administrators are sucking up to homosexual applicants, because they are their political allies, and in order to show that the administrators consider the heterosexuals who pay the bills sexual perverts and the scum of the earth.


Anonymous said...

How in the world can you get an apartment for $286? Rent control?

Nicholas said...

Somehow you posted to the wrong story! You meant to post to the next one.

Anonymous said...

"heterosexuals who pay the bills"

"When conservative students come out"

Do homosexuals not pay bills also? And homosexuals can be conservatives, just like anyone else. What is your problem with homosexuals?

Nicholas said...

"heterosexuals who pay the bills"

"When conservative students come out"

"Do homosexuals not pay bills also?"

You can't be possibly be that stupid.

"And homosexuals can be conservatives, just like anyone else."

Please give examples of "conservative homosexuals."

"What is your problem with homosexuals?"

I have no problem at all with them, as long as they don't flaunt it, demand special rights, engage in public sex, hold parades, demand that school children be indoctrinated into homosexuality and coerced into sexual perversion, and spread plagues. Otherwise, I've got no problem at all with them.

Anon, what is your problem with responding to my post?