Saturday, December 02, 2023

nyc: looks like blacks attacking 11-year-old White female student at "gifted"academy

By "W"
saturday, december 2, 2023 at 06:27:03 p.m. est

nyc: looks like blacks attacking 11-year-old White female student at "gifted"academy

Ra Qu
5 hours ago

"Who knew, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is really Deranged Evil Incorporated. A full intentional movement brought to you by the powers that be. And the school justifies these actions with stating they don't want to tarnish their stellar reputation. Sure."


Anonymous said...

Nothing is off limits to blacks
as to who they decide to attack.Old folks,pre teens,wheelchair bound--the easier the target(provided they're non-blacks)the better.They have no empathy,just a feeling of opportunity to inflict injury and death.

Yes,blacks shoot and kill a lot of blacks,but all the other assaults(hammers,2x4 boards,bricks etc.) are always reserved for Whites and Asians .

Anonymous said...

DEI better DIE.

"Old folks, pre teens, wheelchair bound"

The dirty war. Attack elderly, young, women. Been going on for some time.