Monday, May 22, 2023

texas bill would preserve ut-Austin’s admissions policies if u.s. supreme court strikes down affirmative action

By A Texas Reader
mon, may 22, 2023 10:10 p.m.

texas bill would preserve ut-Austin’s admissions policies if u.s. supreme court strikes down affirmative action

ut Brownsville in Austin.


Anonymous said...

Abbott's going to sign it?Woke bastard.


Anonymous said...

If explicit race-based AA is banned (it probably will be) it will not be difficult to still admit underperforming non-whites.

Just eliminate quantitative measures like standard tests. This has been happening all around the country for some time. Usually the excuse given is that the tests have been shown to be biased. This is basically a disparate impact argument. Then it will be MUCH harder to detect and prove discrimination. Nearly impossible really.

In order to promote or achieve "equity", any society that denies obvious racial genetic differences will twist itself into knots looking for other explanations for achievement gaps, for example "discrimination" or "institutional racism".

Denial of racial differences is the biggest and most consequential issue facing white countries, maybe humanity in general. For white countries it is absolutely suicidal.

Anonymous said...

But "society" will allow trannie men to compete against regular women.It's laughably stupid.By using how blacks are "equalized" with Whites through AA and other programs,the women should get a head start of 15 minutes in competition vs trannies--but they don't.

Of course men shouldn't be allowed in women's events in the first place and blacks should not be compensated for their lower IQ vs Whites.

Everyone needs to find their own level--honestly.Either you're good enough--on your own--or you're not.