Monday, May 22, 2023

EDUCATION: A woke, vermont elementary school

By Merlin
mon, may 22, 2023 10:49 p.m.

EDUCATION: A Vermont Woke Elementary School

This is how insane and toxic Democrats have become.   If this gets even crazier, may God help us all.

We really need to bust the teachers unions and get rid of the mentally ill teachers.

Vermont elementary school removes 'male' and 'female' language from its fifth-grade science lessons - and replaces it with 'person who produces sperm' and 'person who produces eggs'

  • Founders Memorial School sent a letter to parents on April 20 announcing the use of 'gender inclusive language' in science and health unit exploring puberty
  • It has removed 'male' and female' language from its fifth grade science lessons on the reproductive system and uses 'person who produces sperm' and 'person who produces eggs'
  • The changes were made to align the curriculum with the school district's equity policy and that the school strives to use 'person-first' language

1 comment:

  1. Calling men "sperm producers" is semen-tics.

