Monday, May 22, 2023

baseball announcer fired for saying the “n” word

By “W”
mon, may 22, 2023 9:20 p.m.

baseball announcer fired for saying the “n” word

Wearing those damn negro league uniforms and everyone wearing #42

And in june, all the mlb teams have to show their pride. Sicko, sicko.

Can’t hold much against a guy that calls a spade a spade.

And thanks to the ludicrous but mandatory Jackie Robinson day charade—and much else—the “major” leagues are now the nigger leagues.


Anonymous said...

I predicted he would get removed.Not a chance in hell he would stay.


Anonymous said...

He said it,but of course he didn't mean to.You feel sorry for him,because THAT'S IT,the nig*ers got their spears in him and he was cooked.A shame.Tbe apology should have been enough.


Anonymous said...

America is a weird place. Surreal really.

Blacks can turn large sections of the country, including huge swathes of major and medium-sized cities, into crime-ridden wastelands. Yet you would never hear a word about that fact on the news. But let some hapless sports cuck say a wrong word and it's covered by media outlets around the country. And he has to go.

But yeah, vote for Trump so he can do his Platinum Plan. That'll fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

Numbskull? That is the "N" word? Since they never say the word how am I to know what the word is. I am just supposed to know??

Anonymous said...

Media is bored--they're hamstrung by what they're TOLD they can't cover(black crime,trannie stupidity,illegals invading by the thousands every day,Biden administration's anti-White,anti-American agenda)that the only time they get a hard-on,is on that rare occasion when a White goes after a black in some way.Then the juices start flowing,they grow vampire teeth and ATTACK--who?


Sick,incomprehensible,deranged--and hilarious--in a sick,incomprehensible,deranged way.

Until the improbable day that the media starts pointing out how blacks and Mex are ruining the country,we will only deteriorate from here.