Thursday, December 22, 2022

Keon on the Ropes for Minor Attempt at Ethnic Humor—Faculty Wants Him Out; racist fake journalist Kimmy Yam Wants His Scalp for Her Collection

[“White Man Commits Hari-Kari, by Imitating japanese; racist, ugly asian, fake reporter seeks to stir up lynch mob against him.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, december 20, 2022 at 11:31:00 a.m. est

(yahoo ) “the letter from the faculty stated that Keon’s inappropriate conduct ‘caused national and international outrage’ and ‘does not reflect the diversity and inclusiveness that Purdue faculty, staff, and students value.’”

[GRA: Diversity—by definition—includes EVERYONE—including Keon—correct?]

“the demand for Keon’s resignation stems from an incident that occurred during a Dec. 10 commencement ceremony, in which the chancellor spoke gibberish and called it an ‘asian version’ of a previous speaker’s made-up language.

“a video of the inane gaffe quickly went viral, prompting an official apology from Keon on Dec. 14:”

GRA: Uptight effing world—no sense of humor anymore.



Anonymous said...

(abc7)Purdue University Northwest reprimands chancellor for mocking Asian remark, but nothing more.

GRA:Thomas Keon was threatened with more severe discipline,if he repeated his Asian impression in the future.

GRA:To which Keon responded,"Ah so."
(Only if I was as advising him,would he say that. What did the guy have to do to keep his job--over nothing?I dread to think .)

Anonymous said...

Correction:("Only if I was advising him,would he say that.".

No "as" after "was".Sometimes the p.o.s. phone adds letters to my text--and I assume too much.


Anonymous said...

Me want hear impression of Asian man no can hear maybe place on Twitter or YouTube then can hear impression of Asian man me want here maybe be funny