Friday, July 22, 2022

BREAKING: Steve Bannon Convicted of Contempt, Faces Up to 2 Years In Jail

-----Original Message-----
From: Daily Caller <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 22, 2022 3:29 p.m.

BREAKING: Steve Bannon Convicted Of Contempt, Faces Up To 2 Years In Jail

He faces between 60 days and two years in jail
22 JULY 2022View in Browser

Steve Bannon Convicted Of Contempt, Faces Up To 2 Years In Jail
Steve Bannon Convicted Of Contempt, Faces Up To 2 Years In Jail
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Anonymous said...

Media group orgasm today.Umbrellas handed out at nbc,cbs,abc,cnn,ny times,wapo help keep the employee's wardrobes as free of DNA material as possible.Unknown if succcessful.

Reports are,at the end of his shift,Lesta Holt walked out to his limo as drenched,as if he had just walked through a car wash.


Anonymous said...

Not a criminal. No jail time.