Saturday, April 02, 2022

railroaded Austin, TX cops released on $1 cash bond apiece

By An Old Friend
Wed, Feb 23, 2022 3:22 p.m.

Railroaded Austin, TX cops released on $1 cash bond apiece

N.S.: I apologize to AOF, who sent me this on February 23. It got lost in the daily blizzard. Fortunately, I just stumbled onto it, while searching for something from someone else, which wasn't there. Ain't it always like that?

1 comment:

  1. I read the article and the DA,Garza,is an example of not only black law,but minority law--which is anti-police--at its core.Police who enforce the law are given the image of being White backed--which is probably true(nothing wrong with that,as most Whites believe in obeying the law).

    In a war,killing/causing injury is not a crime.That's what was transpiring on this day in Austin and around the country--war for the soul of the country.With spics like Garza in office,the war is decidedly tilted against Whites and White law.
