Saturday, April 02, 2022

Good News or Bad News? chronic absenteeism in NYC public schools allegedly hits 40%

By N.S.

It’s only bad news, if well-behaved kids are refusing to go to school. If the bad kids are skipping school, it’s great news.

And why does the subhed say that only 938,000 kids are enrolled in the city’s public schools? For the past 30 years, the schools and the msm have asserted that either 1.1 million or 1.2 million kids were enrolled in the NYC public schools, and the city’s population has not gone down. Have the parents of 20-25% of the schoolchildren pulled them out of the public schools?

“chronic absenteeism in NYC public schools hits alarming 40%

“With 938,000 students enrolled in NYC’s schools, that means some 375,000 kids are missing too much school.”


  1. The "kids" are entrepreneurs--drug dealing and robbing stores.The under 16 aged ones--who can't be prosecuted--are valuable cogs in the whole negro street "business"--plus they run like Carl Lewis or Usain Bolt.

    The small side effect is they get a few bullets every now and then--still better than going to school and flunking out because their negro brains can't absorb what's going on in the classroom.


  2. Even if the truants would show up, they would not even try or bother to learn. Most of them hopeless. And if they try to learn, so far behind grade-level cannot learn material anyhow.
