Saturday, April 02, 2022

And then the lesbian comedian said…

By N.S.

What’s wrong with this alleged comedian? I was just reading a humorless, pc (if you’ll pardon the redundancy) “thing” on jokes. The writer cites “Stand-up comedian Catherine Bohart” on what theoretically makes a joke funny...or not. And I think to meself, who on Earth is Catherine Bohart, and why would the writer treat her as an expert, and cite her as a “comedian”? So, I hit the search engine, and find this video.

I quickly learn that Bohart is a feminist and a lesbian. Early on, she brought a smile or two to my face, but no laughter. Then, when she accused her own mother of being a barely closeted lesbian, and all women who deny being lesbians of being lesbians, I’d had enough (I only lasted 3:00.)

During my college days (1979), I was once assigned to read the “novel” Rubyfruit Jungle by lesbian activist, Rita Mae Brown. Rubyfruit was actually an ideological screed, in which Brown assumed that there are two kinds of people in the world: Open homosexuals and closet cases.

Catherine Bohart is no comedian, she’s just a professional lesbian, and so vile as as to make money abusing her own mother.

As for the “thing” that mentioned her, the mangina content provider cited Bohart purely as a matter of affirmative action. Oh, isn’t that the funniest thing!

The content provider argued that knowing one’s audience is essential to being successful on stage, but forgot to mention that 10-15 years ago, feminists started stalking and heckling men comedians, and harassing them off-stage, as well, even destroying their lives (Steve Sailer devoted quite a few blog items to this phenomenon), or that the pc brigade will laugh, not because they heard something funny, but purely out of political loyalty.

Catherine Bohart - Comedy Up Late 2019

“About the Festival: Established in 1987, Melbourne International Comedy Festival (#MICF) is one of the three largest comedy festivals in the world, alongside Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Montreal's Just for Laughs Festival. Over the last week of March and into April every year, #MICF transforms Melbourne into the comedy capital of the world, as local and international comedians take to theatres, pubs, clubs and broom cupboards citywide - shining a spotlight on the silly, the serious, the heart-breaking and the hilarious. Filming hours of comedy content every Festival, this channel delivers some of the highlights over the years. Delve into the archive of comedy with international stars (such as: Katherine Ryan, Michael Che, Sara Pascoe, James Veitch) and home-grown #aussiecomedy heroes (including: Hannah Gadsby, Josh Thomas, Aunty Donna, Ronny Chieng) and so many more! To find out what’s happening in Australian comedy, head to our website:”


  1. She has a girlfriend--this Cathy Bohart. I hope,for HER sake,Bohart is the ugly one of the couple--though I doubt it.From the queer women I've observed,she's probably the good looking one of the twosome,which I'll delve into here.

    When a heterosexual couple is observed randomly,by a heterosexual person such as myself,a large difference between the couple(looķs-wise),is not intensively thought about by most of us. It's explained internally in a matter of microseconds and accepted.

    "She's great looking--what does she see in him?Money,large genitalia,makes her laugh(probably at least two of the three)."

    "He's great looking--what does he see in her?(She's a mute,plus a nympho--plenty for many men.)

    With salad tossers,though,you observe two women,compare them--and usually wind up saying,"what the f**k--why is she with Quasimodo?"

    This lesbo--no doubt--has a companion who looks like Raymond Burr in drag--and a voice to go with it.Of course Burr was gay --which makes her choice even more confusing.Lesbians do not find men attractive,so what do they do? They choose a woman who LOOKS like a man,equip them with a 12" strap on device and pretend they're doing something different then heterosexuals do.

    Dykes,you're not fooling anyone.


  2. jerry pdx
    Actually, I think many lesbians do think men are attractive, they simply won't admit it. While some are repulsed by men, most likely due to bad childhood experiences like sexual abuse, the majority are simply socially stunted women who turn to lesbianism as a way of coping with their insecurities. I'm basing that on what lesbians themselves say publicly, just watch Jerry Springer lesbians or read radical lesbian/feminist literature, from one extreme to next, there are recurring themes: "Telling women they "should" be lesbians to get revenge on men" "Being a lesbian is a political act" "Lesbianism is easier than heterosexuality"
    Those messages are contradictory to the gay party line that homosexuality is genetic but you're not supposed to notice.
    Nowadays, with the mass media campaign broadcasting lesbian message to underage girls, many are choosing to be lesbians because they are internalizing the message that lesbianism is a viable alternative to dealing with adolescent angst, which is exactly what homosexual activists want. This is really a form of child abuse and an exploitation of young vulnerable minds.

  3. jerry pdx
    Well, after sending my previous comment about lesbians in general, I watched this lesbo comic's routine. Of course she did exactly what I was referring to in my comment. She felt the need to inject a bit of male bashing in the guise of "comedy", which of course, the PC will simply describe as satire. No, it wasn't funny or satirical, just her way of expressing to women that they should be lesbians because men are somehow innately evil and women are not. For women, sexuality is power and since it's always much easier to understand the same gender, lesbianism is the ultimate power.

    As for her routine, I didn't laugh once. Very common with these Woke comics, especially lesbian ones. One exception would be Ellen DeGeneres, not that I find her hilarious, but she can make me laugh and does have some genuine talent for comedy plus her humor isn't focused on "inside" LGBTQ jokes. She's still second rate compared to the greats like Rickles et al...
