Saturday, October 23, 2021

Who is the Real Fake President?

By N.S.

Ever since the fake, illegal inauguration on January 20th, I have, for obvious reasons, referred to Joe Biden as Fake President Biden. The real president is Donald J. Trump, who won re-election on November 3, 2020.

However, on account of Biden’s senility, he is not even the “real” fake president. Someone else is. And who might that be? Fake Vice President Kamala “Giggles” Harris? In spite of not suffering from senile dementia, Giggles would have trouble managing a lemonade stand, much less the world’s biggest welfare program. That may leave White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain.

The White House chief of staff wields tremendous power. He sets each day’s agenda, and is the man who determines who has access to the (now fake) President. Klain must, of course, still answer to the bosses at the Democrat National Committee, but he must be seriously considered as Boss of the Biden fake White House.

Ron Klain


  1. Another Jew.

    It would be interesting to see an accounting of the number of Jews occupying prominent positions in the Biden admin -- and then compare this to the number gentiles holding similar positions within the current Israeli government -- or any past Israeli government for that matter -- or maybe all past Israeli governments.

  2. >It would be interesting to see an accounting

    Here's an attempt:


    Meet the Jews staffing the most important nominated positions in President Biden’s administration.

  3. " That may leave White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain."

    Probably Doctor Jill has some input. "This is what Joe would want. I am sure."
